Chapter 69: I'm Sorry

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"Stay away from me," I said, trying to sound menacing, and not as if I'd just been through the worst experience of my life. Bucky came towards me, standing me up and pushing me towards them, handing me over. I looked into his eyes, but it was like Kilgrave had made him a completely different person, someone that I didn't recognise.

"You got away from us, Hazel," Jackson said, grabbing me and taking me to another room, where he laid me down on a table. I electrocuted him. "Aah!" he said, grimacing and slapping me in the face.

"Calm yourself, Jackson," Frollo said. "If you lose your temper you might kill her."

"Who cares? Why are we still here? Kilgrave did what we asked."

"Kilgrave?" I asked. "What does he have to do with anything?" I asked.

They looked at each other, as if debating whether or not to tell me something.

"Didn't you think it was weird that your friends told you about Jessica Jones, just when she needed help finding Kilgrave?" he asked, forcing me to remember that finding Jess had been Steve's idea, an idea that he and Bucky pushed. "You never wondered why Kilgrave took a special interest in you? Why he never killed you?" Jackson chuckled to himself. "Did you think he loved you?"

I held my breath; they couldn't be saying what I thought they were saying. Could Kilgrave have been manipulating my life long before I even met him?

"We hired Kilgrave to find you," Frollo cut in. "Of course, we thought it would take a lot quicker than it did, given his powers." He shook his head. "But then he met Jessica Jones, and he fell for her so hard that he was ready to give up on the mission. Luckily, kidnapping your mother and leading you to Jessica was the perfect way to find you."

"What did you promise him?" I asked. I couldn't imagine Kilgrave working for anyone but himself.

"His parents," Jackson answered immediately. "He'd keep Layla hidden, and when he destroyed your team and lured you to us, he could kill his parents, like he's always wanted." Jackson scoffed. "Not that it matters now. He's dead. Your friend Jamie Madrox just killed him."

"So what? Now you kill me?" I wondered. But that was too easy - they had been searching for me far too long for my death to be the end game.

"Not yet. First, we'll wipe your memory. Then we'll do what we'd planned all those years ago, we'll turn you into a Super Soldier. You'll fight for us, defeat everyone that we come across, and when we have no use for you, we'll end your life," Frollo said with a twisted smile.

"No, you can't do that!" I said. I remembered what it was like to lose my memories the first time, to not know who I was or what my purpose was. I couldn't go through that again. Even if I escaped, I'd never remember my team, or all the things that we did together. I'd never remember the mistakes that I'd made, the people I'd lost, the parents I'd never know. "No!" I pushed every ounce of electricity from my body, encasing Agent Frollo in a bubble of pain. He screeched and fell to the ground, writhing. Then his body stopped moving. He was dead.

Jackson's eyes glazed over. He grabbed my arm so hard I heard my bones crack. "I wish I'd never laid eyes on you, or your mother! I spent years of my life trying to find you, and for what? You're worthless, you're nothing!"

"No," I said softly.

"You're unpredictable, dangerous, evil. You're a Rogue." He punched me in the face and I fell backwards on the table.

"I've lost my sister, and my mom. I am feeling grief like I never thought possible, so if you want to kill me, Joseph Jackson, do it!" I yelled, bracing myself. "Do it!"

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