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PERSONAL - It's the same, but it's not.
April 30th 2017

There are some serious "double standards" (Is that the right term?) going on with FORECAST right now - and it's kind of pissing me off.

I had the guts to finally write out the letter I posted last week (here) and give it to FORECAST, which I happened to give them in person (me screaming about it here). If you've read that somewhat rant-like letter, you'd know I'm tired of all this scandal buzz on Kaito. When I listened to "Behind The Idol" live on 4/26, I literally wanted to run up to Kaito and give him forty metals for standing up against the useless rumors. Although not denying the relationship certainly didn't fix anything about the rumors, it really showed the type of person he is. And I loved it.

The scandal's true focus is the fact that it's homosexual, covered up with all these "He's an idol now!" or "He's just a rookie!" or even "He's objectifying a model!" Like what...? When was he ever objectifying anyone? He doesn't even objectify objects! Did you see him naming pillows and giving them personalities last V LIVE?

Apart from that situation, which I've already ranted about, recently photos of F.O.X and 5UN at the Maple Tree House were taken and posted online. Most of them showed 5UN resting his head on F.O.X's shoulder, either resting or talking to the older. Honestly I ship everything (I still ship HyunChen, but with all the 'gay fuss' I've been trying to stay lowkey about it) and I would've jumped on this pairing if it wasn't for all the dumb homophobic media buzz. Or at least the social media buzz and concerning biased music program.

Two people at a restaurant together? One resting their head on another? One having their hand on the other's back? Basically the ideal world for a fujoshi. (I honestly would've taken the bait if the scandals didn't keep pestering my mind.) Yet because they're known to have been working together for a few years, are both male (probably the worst excuse), and have a 5 year age gap, no one tries to suspect them.

At this point, I'm glad that they aren't - FORECAST doesn't need anymore rumors about them - but that's honestly the double standard I'm getting from these two situations. Why is Kaito and Wonho's friendship, full of lighthearted jokes and humor, so detrimental to their career while 5UN and F.O.X's great friendship praised? Sure, I admit they're very different in some aspects, like one being secret and one being open, one being more sexualized while another being more lighthearted - but it's still bothering me.

I don't know. I just wanted to get this off my chest. (Expect it to be deleted later haha)

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