Day Seven

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Elizabeth's Point Of View

"Hi! I'm insane!"

The officer held onto my arms tightly. I think he was cutting off my circulation.

"Hey dude. I think you're cutting off my circulation, could ya loosen your grip?" I say.

He grunts and loosens his grip by, like, hmm... How do you measure tightness of grip? Whatever, not loose enough.

I sigh.

He dragged me into a dreary old place.

"Hey, big, grunty, dude! What is this place?" I ask.

"Mental asylum." He says with a grunt.

This guy is really grunty. I think I'm gonna call him Grunty McGrunt Pants.

"Why am I going to a mental asylum, Grunty McGrunt Pants?" I ask.

"Cuz you're insane." He grunts out.

"Whatever" I shrug as much as I can with his tight grip on my arms.

He chucks me in a cell and locks it. I don't think I'll try to escape. It seems cozy in here. I wonder if they'll give me dolls to decapitate. That would be fun!

I look around the room. Wait! Why are there four beds? I better not be sharing this room with anybody!

I look at the cell across from mine. Hmm... I guess some other girls live in that one.

I see a guard walk to my cell with two girls talking. One is a redhead, she has short curly hair. She looks nice. The other has short brown hair. They better not cut my hair short like that. The two girls walk into my cell as the guard locks the door behind them.

"Oh hello!" The brunette says. She has a really thick British accent.

"Hi!" The redhead says.

These girls are really happy, for being in a mental institute.

"You must be new! What's your name?" The brunette asks.

"Elizabeth, but call me Eliza." I say, in a questioning tone.

"I'm Millie!" The brunette says happily and reaches out her hand for me to shake.

I shake her hand.

"And I'm Sophia!" The other one says, and holds out her hand as well.

I shake her hand and walk towards the beds.

"Who sleeps in what bed? And do we have a fourth room mate?" I ask.

"Sophia sleeps on the wall near the desk, and I sleep in the bed next to her." Millie says.

"We don't have a fourth room mate, but we were informed at lunch that someone else will be coming today! I think their name was Haley?" She says.

"Cool whatever." I say.

I sit down on the bed, the farthest away from the two girls. I'm not really in a people mood right now.

I girl walks into the cell gloomily.

"Hi!" Sophia says.

She does a weird motion with her hands.

"I'm Sophia! What's your name?" She asks.

The girl does another weird motion with her hand.

"Are you deaf?" She asks the girl.

She does another weird motion.

"Okay..." She says,she turns to face Millie and I, "By the way, I can speak sign language!"

"That's Haley! She's not deaf, but she doesn't wanna talk." Sophia says.

"I'm Millie!" Millie says.

The girl does another hand motion.

"I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Eliza." I say.

Haley does another hand motion.

"What is she saying?" Millie asks.

"She's signing your names." Sophia says.

"Cool!" Millie exclaims.

"I'm tired. I'm taking a nap." I say.

I lay down on my bed and drift off to sleep.

A/N- Woop! New Characters! Woop! Like four chapters in one day. Not technically, but still. It feels like one day. I'll try to write another chapter tonight. We'll see about that though. Hope you enjoyed! ~Lo <3

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