2. finalizing the divorce

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As I left the house, I went to the nearest hotel, got a room, then went to take a walk.

It was just 8:30 pm not that late right?

There was a park right opposite the hotel, so, I went there, found a spot, sat down and let the tears I didn't know I had been holding back pour freely.

It was a bit dark so no one would see and even if they did, I don't care cause they would've done the same or worse if they were in my shoes.

10 minutes later and I was still crying. Suddenly, some one sat beside me.

At first we didn't say a word to each other, we just sat there in a comfortable silence till he decided to speak

"Oh great" I mutter, just when I was enjoying the silence he just had to ruin it.

I guess he heard me cause he started to chuckle in this deep yet soft, angelic voice that could melt you and ease your Pains away--

-- wait...where did that come from?

"Hi"! He said

"Hey"! I replied eyebrows raised

"Um..." He started scratching his neck.

"Um..." I teased him chuckling lightly.

I saw his face lit up." Hi again, my names Joel Hart" he said sticking out his hand for a hand shake.

"Hey again", I mocked. "my name's Emma Powers, I mean Emma Banks" I replied shaking his hand firmly.

He smiles then continued "so what brings you here at night?" he asked

"Just came here to think" I replied truthfully, "you"? I asked

"Just came for a stroll" he lied.

"I know you're lying" I told him

" hmm" he sighed.

"I also came to think" he said truthfully this time.

"OK I guess we should get going" I said.

" sure can I have your number"?
"Ok" I gave him my number and he promised to call me.

Not minding the fact that he could be a stalker, a serial killer or even worse..

As we began to part ways he screamed 'me and you are gonna be good friends'

'yeah' I replied back

' good night' he screamed "night" I yelled back

When I reached the hotel, I called my lawyer and told her to meet at Matt's office to sign and finalize the divorce .

I closed my eyes thinking of none other than Joel, I think we're gonna be pretty good friends (not in a perverted way but as best friends, may be more...)

What you thought I was gonna think about that no good, two timing, asshole of a soon- to-be ex husband of mine?

Pfft, fat chance.


Next day


I woke up around 8:00am, ordered breakfast, took a shower and put back the clothes I wore yesterday cause in a haste to leave the house quickly yesterday, I only took my phone and wallet.

After I was done with every thing I went back to my now ex house to grab my clothes and other necessities I'll be needing. I'll have my mum come get the rest later.

As I entered the house I saw everyone there guess they didn't go home or they went and came back.

"Hey" I greet them

"hi are you ok?" asked mollie but before I could answer Nate beat me to it what do you think mollie? she came home only to find out her husband has been cheating on her for more than half their marriage so ask yourself the question again would you be OK? He said teary eyed.

"I'm sorry-- "

-"don't I'm OK" it's not your fault I trust people, nor that I loved him, nor that he cheated on me.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get my stuff" as I went upstairs. I could hear my mum crying and Lisa too with mollie while Nate tried apologising to my mom for what Matt did to me. I just shoke my head and continued to packed my stuff

An hour later I was done, so I went downstairs and cleared my throat to get their attention

"I am going to be travelling on Monday,where I don't know where to yet, but I just need a new and different scenery for my Kids and I cause this place reminds me too much of what has happened and the life I used to have before it did.

" I'll keep in touch and call and don't worry you would get to be a part of the child's life not because of Matt but because you guys are practically my second family, me growing up with you, Mollie being my bestie and all what not .

Right now, I'm going to his office to sign and finalize this divorce.

"Love you all" I said giving each of them a big hug.

" I'll call you later mum" I told her.

And said one last bye to the house

Let this be the end to my misery and the beginning of my new life....




Xoxo Deeya



Honestly editing ain't easy all the peeps that wants it edited with necessary punctuations, y'all welcome.


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