Chapter 1

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( This is my first fanfic, so apologies if it's bad. I'll give warnings for when smutt, blood, injuries, panic attacks ect. Come, so that people can avoid reading it if they want to. When it says [lance] at the top of a chapter, it means you're following Lance and seeing things the way het sees it. If it says [Keith] youre following Keith and seeing things the way he sees it. For more notes, see end of the chapter]


"Happy 2 months anniversary"

Lance said happily as he hugged Keith from behind. He pressed a quick peck to Keith's cheek. Keith gasped a little when two hands suddenly wrapped around him, but smiled as he heard Lance's voice. His smile only grew when Lance pecked Keith's cheek.

"happy 2 months anniversary to you too Lance."

Lance smiled as well and let go of Keith

"so to celebrate, I was thinking about a fancy restaurant~? You can't say no! I've been saving money to take you out to a fancy restaurant!"

Lance said with a grin.
Keith sighed "well guess I have no choice then".
He looked at Lance "will you pick me up at 7?"
Lance nodded "will do cowboy~ !"
Keith rolled his eyes
" I should've never told you where I'm from".

He then pecked Lance on his lips, before looking at the time.

"Now hurry up and get your ass to class"

"Yes mom" Lance said with a slightly annoyed voice, before walking to his class. Keith rolled his eyes in response before going his class.

At 7 PM Lance stood in front of Keith's house. He knocked on the door and played with the fancy tie, he had borrowed from his older brother.

Keith opened the door and blushed as he saw Lance in a fancy suit.
" look good".
Lance grinned at Keith's reaction and winked
"when do I not look good~?"
Keith rolled his eyes at this and grabbed his jacket
"do you really want me to answer that?"
He said with his own grin.
Lance shook his head "uhm no...?"

Minutes later they were sitting in a fancy restaurant.

They got brought to an empty table after they've arrived.

They sat down and ordered something to drink, before they got the menu and ordered some food. Keith looked down at his hands, biting his bottom lip. "Nervous?" Lance asked in a gentle voice. Keith nodded in response "I've never been to a fancy restaurant before...."

Lance laughed at that.

Keith pouted a bit "it's not funny Lance"

Lance stopped laughing after a while "sorry, sorry. It's kinda funny you're nervous about that".

Keith frowned a bit at that "how come?"

"Well it's just a restaurant¸ nothing really scary about that. I expected it to be more something like, I'm nervous because it's our anniversary kinda thing"

Just then Lance's phone went off. "Oh...sorry..." He said as he grabbed his phone, just to see that his dad was calling. "Shit" Lance mumbled, his dad didn't know Lance was here.... With a BOY.
His family had been very supportive when Lance came out of the closet. Expect his dad, his dad didn't like that Lance was bi. So Lance was afraid to tell him about his relationship with Keith. He only told his mom and siblings. Lance had told his mom he was going on a date with Keith. He even made sure his father didn't hear, so why was he calling? Did his mom tell him the truth? Or did he overhear him telling his mom, that he was going on a date... with a BOY?

After realizing he had been staring at his phone this entire time, Lance finally answered the call.

"Hi something wrong?" He asked with his most innocent voice.

"Where are you?" His father asked, Lance could hear at the harsh tone of his father's voice that he wasn't happy with Lance out.

"Didn't mami tell you? I'm at that restaurant, the big pearl".

"And with who are you? I mean, I assume you're not there alone".

"You know me well papi" Lance said with a laugh he had hoped to sound less nervous "uhm...I'm just on a date with a girl".

"Just with a girl huh? And does that girl has a name?" His father asked to make sure lance wasn't lying.

Lance gulped "a-ah...of course she has!" he said a little too high pitched "h-her name....uhm....her name is....Katherine?"

"Katherine? Oh well, make sure you bring her home on time and don't come home late yourself".

"Y-yes papi....will do hahaha....t-then see you at home" Lance said with a shaky voice before hanging up.

[ a little panic attack ]

Keith on the other hand, had heard everything Lance had said and how he had said those things.
He was frowning and looking rather confused at Lance. Was Lance trying to hide the fact he was dating Keith....a boy? Why would he hide that? that was it....Lance was ashamed of dating Keith. He didn't want his parents to know he was dating a boy.

Let stand a boy like Keith.

Did Lance's parents even know Lance is bi?

Keith looked down fumbling with the table cloth. Lance noticed and tilted his head to the side.
"Keith? Buddy? You okay?"
Keith bit his lip 'buddy' they're dating but Lance calls him buddy.

"Hello? Earth to Keith?"
Lance said while waving his hand in front of Keith's face.
Keith slapped the hand away and got up

"I'm leaving, thanks for the food".

At then it's lance turn to look confused

"What? Keith...what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He asked with a little bit of panick in his voice.

"You didn't 'do' anything wrong, bit you said plenty enough." Keith looked at Lance but looked away when he saw the chock in his eyes.

Lance's eyes widen. Did he hear that right? He said plenty enough? What did Keith mean with that? Is this about the phone call with his dad....oh....oh wouldn't think that right? Keith knows Lance....wait...he does know Lance enough to know he didn't mean it that way, right? Shit, what if he doesn't?

[end little panick attack or well the worst part]

"Keith.....I can expl-" Lance tried but was cut off by Keith.

"No, I heard enough Lance. If you don't want your family to know about our relationship, you should've said so. Then I wouldn't have to think this could actually work out, but I guess you just wanted to break my heart"

Lance swore he heard a silent sob from Keith, or was it from himself? Anyway, Keith was wrong. Lance didn't want that at all, he wants this to work out. He wants to be with Keith.

"Keith....I'm serious, you're wrong"

"Lance, I heard it myself. You're lying to your father about our relationship, that's all I needed to hear" He said swallowing back sobs and fighting back tears



so this was the first chapter~. I hoped you enjoyed it. no this is not the end of their relationship. But prepare for more angst. But also for fluff and smut. Please tell me if you have a tip for me that improves my writing skills.

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