Chapter Forty-One

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Heeeeey guys! I was soo stoked to write this chapter so I definitely expect a shit ton of comments. Love it, hate it, let me know! I love you all to pieces (: if something doesn't sound right let me know! Also shout out to the one who let me know I made a mistake this weekend. You're a real one! COMMENT and thanks as usual for all the support (:







I couldn't eat much these days. Between all the upcoming exams and essays, Draco's family's involvement on the night my parents were murdered and Professor Trelawney's prophecy, I hardly had any time to focus on anything but that. Ginny would always try to sneak me some food if she noticed I hadn't eaten all day. I mean, I was eating don't get me wrong, but I usually ate because I knew I had to, not because I had an appetite. Mostly, I didn't know what to do and would stare blankly at the pages of my textbooks. I had to do something about what Professor Trelawney had said a few days ago. I didn't know who to tell. It wasn't that simple and I wasn't ready to tell Draco. I put my head on his shoulder as he read the passage from our potions book on a potion we had to memorize.

"Stressed?" He asked and I nodded, sighing.

"I feel like my head's about to explode." He gasped and grabbed the sides of my face, examining it for some unknown reason.

"I thought it looked bigger today!" I rolled my eyes and smiled, shoving him playfully.

"You're one to talk. Your ego is still bigger than that fat head of yours." I grumbled, propping my chin on my left hand.

"You love it."

"It makes you exceptionally irritating."

"And you call yourself my girlfriend." Rolling my eyes again, I felt irritable. Maybe if I just tell him, some of my stress will go away.

"Draco. I have something to tell you." I looked at him sideways, my cheeks still in my hands.

"Okay, I'll bite." He fixed his sleeves, rolling them just past his elbows just how I liked them. God it drove me insane when he sported shirts like that.

"I was late to my Divination exam Friday and I had to stay like ten minutes after class to make up for it."

"Okay and what did the old bat make you do? Use your inner eye?" He joked, a smile twitching on his full lips. I chuckled lightly, tucking my hair behind my ears and sitting up.

"Not exactly. I cleaned some crystal balls for the next class. They were third years." Stop stalling. Just tell him. He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to finish my story. What would he say? Everyone knew Professor Trelawney was a bit out there but I didn't know anyone who said her prophecies were wrong. Maybe they couldn't figure it out. Draco's hadn't exactly been easy to understand. But why did she tell me? Shouldn't she have told him instead? Unless... unless it had to do with me as well. I shook my head and sighed, looking at his grey orbs.

"Well when I handed her my exam, she touched my hand."

"Okay? Am I supposed to report her because I'm pretty sure that's not harassment."

"Ugh, no Draco. That's not what I'm saying." Such a joker sometimes.

"Get on with it then."

A piece of parchment swooped in, and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Draco opened the letter and I assumed it was from his father, judging from the expression on his face. He was not pleased in the slightest. Crumbling the letter in his fist, he groaned.

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