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Jessie ran as fast as she could after Harper. Jesse and Ivor weren't far behind.

"Woah!" Jessie and Jesse came to a sudden stop but Ivor kept running and fell in.

"A signal would of been nice!" Ivor yelled. Jessie looked behind her and jumped in landing beside Ivor. Jesse landed beside Harper.

"Got to tell you guys..." Harper began. "That was pretty smart work distracting PAMA back there." She quickly turned to Jessie. "But What are you doing back here? Didn't I tell you to never come back?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Jessie protested. "Petra jumped in first. Besides how was I supposed to know the redstone portal was the route to this crazy one."

"What's going on here?" Jesse interjected. "Those zombies aren't only stronger than I've ever seen, they're also faster."

"I promise it'll all make sense soon." Harper looked sympathetically. "But I really need your help."

"What...kind of help?" Jesse looked at her.

"We need to get to my secret lab." Harper stood slightly. "I'll lead these mobs away while you got to my Lab. Jesscia you know where it is right?"

"It's been 8 years, I'm not sure I will remember very well."

"I don't think splitting up is a good idea." Jessie said.

"Hey I'm offering to be the bait." Harper glared at him and hoped out. "Just head that way." She pointed to the west. "And look for the 'big difference'! You'll see it!" She ran away.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jesse looked at Jessie, who just shrugged her shoulders. Once the three were sure the mobs had followed Harper, the three jumped out and ran towards the direction she had pointed towards to.

"She is intriguingly cryptic isn't she?" Ivor stated as they ran.

"That's...weird." Jesse stated not looking back at Ivor. Jessie kept running but stopped when she saw something outlined but Ivor ran right into it.

"Strange." Jessie said looking at the painting.

"It's like an exact copy." Ivor added. "Or is it?" Jesse ignored them and looked at the painting then behind it.

"Huh..." He said after a while. "THAT cactus isn't in the painting." He turned around to see mobs. Jessie decided to run ahead towards the cactus that wasn't in the painting like Jesse had said.

"Let's see what it does." Jessie said and opened the wooden trap doors and found a lever. She wasted not time and pulled it. There was loud rumbling sound about a mile away but they could see, the floor caving in. The three ran over and saw a large hallow hole with a small stream at the bottom.

"Hope you got a plan!" Ivor yelled. The mobs were approaching.

"Working on it!" Jessie yelled. Jesse took out his sword in case Jessie didn't figure something out quickly.

"There!" She shouted. "We can land in that bit of water." She jumped. Jesse quickly pocketed his sword and jumped after her. Ivor jumped soon after.

Jessie looked around. This was different than what she remembered. There was a whole wall of sand and clay that led down through a large cave or pathway.

"Dare you to poke it Jessica" Jesse's voice suddenly brought her back from her thoughts. She turned around and saw the Redstone chip on the floor and the zombie back to normal.

"No thanks." She said raising her arms in defense.

"Huh?" Jesse began to observe as it crawled out if the water. "The water must of interrupted the connection."

"Yeah." Jessie agreed. "Like washing away the Redstone."

"Which means, PAMA's power can be stopped after all." Ivor mentioned as the three began to walk backwards. Jesse took out his sword and slashed right through it. Soon enough mobs began falling in onto the ground and turning into puffs of smoke.

"PAMA is throwing everything its got at us." Jessie shook her head.

"You think since PAMA is controlling them they've be a bit smarter." Jesse added.

"Lets just get out if here." Jessie said.

"Alright. Alright." Jesse rolled his eyes. Soon enough the mobs landed in a piece of cobweb that made them land safely.

"There's a lever." Jesse said.

"Well pull it!" Jessie yelled at him. Jesse rolled his lies lightly and pulled it. Jessie and Ivor ran through before the sand fell in front of them.

"That's kind of cool." Jesse said.

"Yup." Jessie agreed. "Now let's go see what is it about this 'secret' lab." Jessie began to walk.

"I just hope that what ever is there can help us." Ivor stated.

"Jessica you know her," Jesse turned to her. "Have you been to this secret lab?"

"Maybe once or twice." She looked down. "But that was years ago. The entrance sure has changed. I can tell you that."

"I must say that woman has been the most intriguing person so far." Ivor smiled. Jessie and Jesse looked at each and then at Ivor with a questioning look. "I'm still not entirely sure what to make of her." He pondered. "Granted, her creation nearly destroyed this world....but considering my own history I'm inclined to give her a benefit of a doubt!"

"Intriguing? Ivor...why what ever do you mean by that?" Jessie teased. Ivor looked surprised.

"I-what?! Its nothing." He scratched his neck. "I just mean, I can emphasize when your creations get out of hand. Nothing more."

"Careful with all that sputtering." They heard a new voice. "You'll swallow your beard." Jessie laughed quietly.

"What did you hear?" Ivor began. "It was nothing!"

"Uh huh." Harper walked over to them. "Blonde guy called you Jesse?"

"Yup and this Ivor." Ivor waved at her. "I presume you already know Jessica."

"Indeed I do." Haper sent the port girl a small glare crossing her arms.

"Our friends we left back there are Petra and Lukas." Jesse continued. "And you are-?"

"You can call me Harper." She said. She turned her attention back to him. "You can also explain to me why a bunch of mobs are trying to break into my lab. I don't like the idea of a whole bunch mobs starting to tear holes into my lab."

"Hey that's not fair." Jessie spoke up. "You told us to come here!" Harper was surprised by Jessie's new voice in attitude.

"I'm sorry." She sighed. "I'm just a little steamed. I didn't think PAMA would actually be able to follow us." She said. Jessie looked at her worryingly as they began walking and talking. She wasn't the same as she had last seen her. Her hair was completely gone white as snow and had bags under her eyes. She needed sleep. Her clothing was more ragged now.

"I need to get my water defense going." Harper brought her back to reality. "Can you grab a bucket for me?" Harper stopped. "Ron's got it."

"Ron? As in Uncle Ron?" Jessie looked at the robot

"Hello Harper." It spoke. "It is good to see you."

"Please tell me you have Uncle Harry and Aunt Margret inside? Well...robots of them."

"Who's Harry?" Ivor asked.

"One of my unrelated Uncles and dare I say my dear Aunt's crush." Harper sent her a small glare.

"Crush?" Jesse handed Harper the bucket.

"I shipped it." Jessie said it without regret. "But I'm starting to ship her with someone else." She smirked.

"What did I tell you about shipping people?" Harper gave her another glare but Jessie shrugged it off. She couldn't help it.

Harpvor will be a thing. She smiled as she saw the water fall from the roof.

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