Chapter Seven - Microchips and Vibrators

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Derek dried himself off slowly, looking around the bathroom he was in with a blank expression on his face. Sure, he had already looked for ways to escape- he wasn't stupid, really. Okay, yeah, maybe he had been the biggest idiot werewolf on earth to get caught, but, to his defense, it hadn't exactly been his fault. It was either him or the little girl that had been hiding with Derek in the cave that had been his home for years now. She had been followed by a couple of hunters for weeks, and when Derek had come back from getting his dinner (deer, as always. It tasted great, really, but after eating it almost every single day for fifteen years it was really not as great as the first few days) he had found her in his cave. Of course he had been a little suspicious at first because, hello, what if the hunters were just using her as bait? Derek knew that they had ways like that, using little innocent omegas as bait to get to bigger werewolves that were usually bought and sold and used as fucktoys by stupid humans (Derek was getting a little annoyed by this, as you could probably see). But, this wasn't the hunters their bait. No, apparently they had been after her because for some reason the humans had started to actually get preferences and apparently some of them really liked to have underage omega girls to do things with- and Derek did not want to know what they were doing with any of the werewolves because, ew, humans could be absolutely disgusting.

But, anyways, disgusting human preferences aside. Derek got caught because he was trying to save the girl. Which made him sound like a hero, but wasn't that what every normal-thinking person would do? Wouldn't you save the little girl who wasn't ready for any of the things that were going to happen to her once she was going to be captured? Derek had already gone through this once, he knew what to expect and he also knew how to escape from it. So, he wasn't going to let an innocent little girl get captured just cause he wanted to save his own ass. He was never going to forgive himself if he even thought of doing that. So, he just tried to fight off all of the hunters while he told the girl to run away. Luckily the girl was smart and she ran, but Derek didn't feel really smart himself at that moment. He took on seven hunters all by himself, which really wasn't a good idea and Derek really did know that- even back then when he tried it.

So, if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, don't try to fight and just give yourself in because that's going to save you a whole lot of pain and you won't have an uncomfortable day afterwards. Derek knew that they were going to catch him, even though he tried so hard to get them off of him and get them hurt before he got hurt. It didn't work, though, and within minutes they were on him with their silver and their wolfsbane and Derek was passed out- but, of course because Derek had never had any luck in his life, he hadn't passed out before they were able to see that he had red eyes. Which meant that he was an alpha, if you hadn't gotten your brain wrapped around that part yet.

So, yeah, that was pretty much where he was right then. In a bathroom. Naked. Well, except for the towel that he now had wrapped around his hips. And this could be a whole lot more hot and sexual and arousing if it hadn't been for the fact that Derek was currently kind of kidnapped and he was supposed to currently be owned by someone. Sure, technically he was owned because Stiles (or sir, as he was supposed to call him because there was this whole 'humans are better than anything else on earth' thing going on) had bought him which meant that he owned him, but Derek wasn't going to accept that so easily.

And this all meant that Derek was pretty much stuck in here, because as far as he knew, there were no ways to escape. Stiles had his eyes on him all the time, and his father (the only guy in this whole story that was actually nice to him up until now) had told him that there were cameras installed all over the place so he could keep an eye on Derek even when he wasn't in the house himself. All the doors were locked, the windows as well, and the greatest thing was that Derek was chipped. Like, seriously. As if he hadn't been treated like a dog enough already.

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