88. He Takes You To Prom - Calum

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Part 1/4

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Oh and this is the second to last chapter in the book, including this part there are 8 left 😵😵😵

This book will be over next week wtf

"I'm worried, Y/BF/N hasn't brought up prom at ALL and the tickets are almost going on sale! I need to arrange a table and buy a dress and figure out dinner reservations and-" you rambled on and on before Y/F/N cut you off.

"Y/N," he said quietly, in a very sympathetic tone as if the words he was about to say were crushing. Alarm bells went off and you subconsciously leaned into the phone as if it would help you hear him better. "I'm not sure that he's going to ask you."

Your eyebrows furrowed and your pulse sped up a little. That didn't make any sense, you were dating that boy! It was a given he'd ask you to prom! Unless... "is he going to break up with me?" Your breathing hitched as you realized the implication behind his statement.

"I'm sorry," he sighed noisily, making a crackling sound filter through to your ears. You were too upset, however, to chastise him.

"Why?" You croaked out as you began to blink back tears. Yes, you and Y/BFF/N weren't on the best of terms after a series of little fights but breaking up was a total curveball. You had been dating for over a year and in the back of your mind you thought he was the one. The fact that he was telling your mutual friends he was thinking about ending it instead of talking to you made the feeling of red hot betrayal bubble up along with a deep sadness. If what you were hearing was true than there was no doubt in your mind that your heart would break into two.

"He didn't say a whole lot, just that he was trying to figure out how to break it to you and that he wasn't 'in love' anymore," Y/F/N repeated in a tone that oozed disapproval. At least you had someone on your side. He had never been one to lie to you and strange as it was, you were glad for the heads up. You didn't know how you would react if Y/BF/N just told you he wanted to break up out of the blue. It would doubtlessly be even more crushing.

"Well uh," you sniffled and paused when your voice cracked, "I think I'm going to go cry now."

"Y/N-" Y/F/N jumped in right away to comfort you, but you just wanted to be alone.

"Bye, thanks for the heads up," you had started crying in earnest as you hit the end call button and dropped your phone onto your bed next to you. You heaved in and then let out a loud sob.

"Y/N?!" Calum and Luke, who were practicing below you, must have heard. The music stopped and they began to talk to each other rather loudly.

"Do you think she's okay?" Calum asked.

"Doesn't sound like it," Luke replied.

You were crying too hard to give a verbal reply so you just let out another loud sob and tried to wipe at some of the tears streaming down your face.

"WE'RE COMING!" Your brother yelled up to you. You heard them hastily put down their instruments before bolting up the stairs.

"Y/N! Are you hurt? What's going on?" Calum and Luke burst through your door and came rushing in.

Calum walked right back to you while Luke slipped on a discarded t-shirt on your floor.

"Ughhhh," he groaned and rubbed his lower back.

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