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( Continued from Previous)

Hey, Elgin Aaliyah said nervously

What are you doing back in LA? he asked surprised

Ah Just working on a few things. Aaliyah said.

That's Great Maybe we can hang out before you leave to new york. Elgin said looking at his phone.

Hmm, I'm pretty busy Elgin and I have to go. before Aaliyah turned around Elgin gave her a hug and Aaliyah's body tensed.

Ginuwine said I'm sorry and walked away.

Aaliyah when to her car and inhale slowly and began driving toward Home.


The Next Few weeks Aaliyah got Ready to have her collection viewed at New york Fashion week it was very hectic and busy,


Kidada and Aaliyah arrived at the Mercedez Benz tent two hours prior to the show started to prep the models since Aaliyah felt it would be best to be hands-on with the full process.

Kidada peeped out to see the front row of the show was filling up fast. Shawn Came backstage with Blue on in his arms.

Congrats sis he said hugging her, she was surprised to see him since she hadn't seen him over a year in a half, she wondered if Beyonce was going to show or not.

Claire yelled The Models are here there in Hair in makeup we have another 2 hours left before the show starts.

Aaliyah began to get slightly nervous because before the show started she had to have a mini speech prepared.

Kidada I think I'm going to be sick. she said nervously.

Oh no, you're not! Kid said grabbing her, you're going to do fine we've dreamt about this for so long Aaliyah you got this baby girl,

Aaliyah began to pace and said you know you're we got this,

the announcer began to speak, Aaliyah and Kidada Jones Presents: DollyPop ''005 Spring / Summer Collection.

Aaliyah walked out with Kid and said Thank you, everyone, for coming to Kidada and I worked very hard on this project to bring you the best of the best, for this season, we hope you all love the Japanese inspired influence on some of our piece's along with some classic hip hop flavor. enjoy she said walking away.

Kid and Aaliyah squealed at how the models looked in the clothes everything from the makeup to the hair down to the outfit styling in which Derek Lee did a great job. everything was flawless. Music was off the hook. and everyone enjoyed their Dollypop gift bags with cherry blossom flavored lollipops.

Kid and Aaliyah walked to the end of the runway with their final model and took a bow.

We did it! Kidada said and hugged Aaliyah.


After the show was over she Kidada and all hung out and went their favorite Chinese joint, and talked about the show a few young girls wanted pictures and they posed and they eventually left and went back to Aaliyah's house and watched movies.  


Beyonce you'll be fine kelly said hugging her, 

Beyonce replied No I'm not fine this situation is a mess, she said putting her hands on her head. 

Kelly sighed and said Bey you put yourself through this, maybe it's a good thing that your back with Lyn and going back to Houston, to clear your head, think on some things, like this baby that's going to be arriving soon, kelly said rubbing Bey's belly and smiling. 

It's Not Fair Beyonce said frustrated. 

Life isn't fair Michelle said coming in from the living room. 

Kelly shot her a look. 

Kelly you sugar coat to much shit for her, she needs to stop whining and put her big girl panties on and learn how to move on and realize that Shawn Corey carter don't want you anymore. Michelle said.  

Beyonce ended up going to her room and slamming the door, she took off her wedding ring and stared at it before putting it away and climbing into bed and going to sleep. Kelly and Michelle talked for awhile before leaving for an event. 


Aaliyah Grabbed Cassie out of the car seat and took her to a local park

and Aaliyah shot a quick Text to Tamia. 

Hey, so I bumped into Ginuwine the other day, he wants to hang ? should I or Nah. Aaliyah asked.

Hey, boo and hell no, He's Crazy you know this I don't trust it. Tamia.

yeah your right, well I'll catch up with you later when I get back in town tomorrow. 

Alright boo, have a good one. Tamia said.

you too Aaliyah replied.


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