Chapter 7

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^^^^^Jamal's Room^^^^^

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^^^^^Jamal's Room^^^^^

Jamal's POV

Why won't she pick up. I've been calling her for the past hour and now its 9 o'clock.
Jamal lays back down on his bed after calling Karter endless of times and all he got was a voicemail greeting.

Knock Knock

Jamal: Who is it?
Cookie: Open up Jamal its me.
Jamal gets up to open the door for his mother.
Cookie: Hey Jamal. How are you doing?
Jamal: I'm good. He moves out the way so Cookie can get in but is also greeted by Ikea employees. Ma what's all this?
Ikea Worker#1: where do I put these Ms. Lyon?
Cookie: Upstairs and down the hall and the 2nd door to the right.
All the Ikea workers go upstairs to the room Cookie describes to them.
Cookie: And now to answer your question Jamal I am setting up my grandson's nursery in your house.
Jamal: How you know it was a boy?
Cookie: I had a feeling that it was a boy.

Meanwhile At Andre's House. . . . . .

Karter's POV

          ^^^^^Andre's Room^^^^^wakes up and realizes she isn't in her bedroom

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          ^^^^^Andre's Room^^^^^
wakes up and realizes she isn't in her bedroom. She looks next to her and sees a note.
'Meet me downstairs in the kitchen.       -Andre'

Karter: Thank God he put his name on here. I almost thought I was kidnapped. Goes down to the kitchen and sees Andre making bacon and pancakes.
Karter: You cook?
Andre: What does it look like I'm doing?
Karter: sucks teeth Don't get slick
Andre: chuckles Here gives Karter's her plate of breakfast.
Me: Thank you Andre. goes to sit at the table and is about to dig in and notices that Andre isn't eating anything. Andre why aren't you eating anything?

Andre's POV

Should I tell her? I don't want her to be afraid of raising her child around me nor do I want her child to be afraid of me. Maybe I feels a hand on his shoulder.

Karter: Andre? Is there something wrong?
Andre: No. I'm fine.
Karter's looks into Andre's eyes
Karter: You don't have to lie to make me not question you if you're okay. Leads Andre to the living room couch and sits down next to him with her head on his chest.

Karter: You can tell me anything and if you feel uncomfortable telling me then you don't have to.
Andre: stares at the ceiling light .
Karter: Lucious lied and told Jamal that I was an alcoholic. Due to the fact that I was drinking at his club. I never consumed so much alcohol in my life.
Andre: Was it a one time thing?
Karter: Yeah it was.
Andre: Why did you do it?
Karter: It was for a consequence for a dare that I didn't want to do. And because I was drunk I wasn't able to drive back home so my friend Na'Jay had to. On our way back to my place we were hit by a truck. We flipped off the road and into a tree. Everyone but me and Na'Jay had minor injuries and bruises. Na'Jay was pregnant at the time and she had to have an emergency C section to try to save her baby. The baby was born but he needed a little more blood in his system. I had a broken leg and a popped artery in my wrist. I tried to donate my blood to the baby but the doctor said since I had lost blood in the crash I won't be able to give the baby the blood he needed. Starting to cry. Na'Jay tried to give her baby her blood even though the doctors told her that her blood didn't match his. Na'Jay and her baby died an hour after she signed his name on the birth certificate . Me and our friends watched as her heart monitor flat lined. We all went to her funeral and we couldn't handle the pain in our hearts and we cried. We kept crying until something happened. All that came was 2 more funerals that belonged to my friends that were in the car with me. One had depression and committed suicide and the other died from a drug overdose. I on the other hand had to sit at their funerals alone because they were disowned when they got caught drinking. I. . .I. . . cries
Andre: Its okay to cry. Even if it means that nothing can bring them back physically. They will always be in your heart.
They sit there in comfortable silence for 10 minutes

Karter: Thanks Andre
Andre: No problem. I have something to tell you something but im afraid you will change the way you think about me.
Karter: There is no way I will hate you if that's what you're thinking.
Andre: Okay. . .I have bipolar disorder.

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