Chapter Eleven

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Word Count: 2036


That night, I dreamt of when Rylan and I first met.

"It's our only choice," I hear her murmur lowly. I keep my head behind the wall, trying my best not to be tempted to look around the corner.

My father sighs. "She won't like it. They won't like it."

My nails dig into the wall. I know what they are talking about. It's only been a week since we first arrived in the Purity Pack, and they are already talking about shipping Lucy and I off to some boarding school at the end of the Pack. It makes me ill just thinking of being locked up in school to pray to a Goddess I don't believe in.

"It doesn't matter what they like or not," mother says insistently. "They come from the Desire Pack. They need to be raised proper from now on. They need to be put in their place.

My teeth grind against each other as I continue to clench my jaw. It's her idea to bring us here in the first place.

"Dawn will get mad, but she will get over it. Lucy is only nine, she won't be hard to convince," she adds. I can imagine her close to father, trying to convince him with only her dark brooding eyes that this is actually okay. That she can take his children away from him.

I decide to be brave enough to lean out enough to view the conversation.

My father is pressed back against the counter, my mother in front of him. For someone so convinced that the Moon Goddess is someone we need to respect, she acting awfully like a Desire Pack member. That's who we are. I don't know why she is so set on changing that fact.

"Dawn will hate us. You know she gets anxiety about being locked in one place for too long. She's different," Father tried to reason.

Stop while you can. I've tried to explain.

"Different won't cut it!"

I flinched back behind the wall at her yell. Those same eyes I inherited from her blazed with a hot poker into my mind. She is still the same. Does she seriously think moving to a Pack of virtue and religion is going to turn her anger off like a switch?

I've heard enough...

I've been planning this since I was first told we were moving from the Desire Pack to the Purity Pack. I'm going to take my sister, and we will escape. My plan isn't perfect, but we don't have much time. I won't feel safe until we are on the other side of this Pack's walls, and away from any risk of a boarding school.

I find her in her bed. Before waking her, I pack us some spare belongings in a backpack. She doesn't protest when I whisper what I heard in her ear and relayed what my plan was.

She's too smart for that.

Disappearing into the night was the easy part. We lived close to the border, and the shadows give good enough shelter for us. Alpha Rylan doesn't worry much about security around these parts...around any parts.

I had just hoisted Lucy up the wall when it had happened. I had underestimated him, and it came back to bite me in the ass.

As a line of Guards emerged from the shadows of the marketplace, Lucy had just managed to conceal herself. It was me against them, brandishing their weapons. It may have been only three of them, but it's enough for me to know I stand no real chance of escaping.

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