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 you don't say those things to me

neither do you take  me to the beach

when was the last time you sang me to sleep?

I am broken, too far beyong repair

or have I become to selfish to care

I am just every bit clinical like who gives a damn about their hair

my wings are tattered in the wind

I have loved every bit of you from sculptures made of iron bronze and tin

it's the same cycle

of wear and tear

why love ? I declare death is fair 

in all but war and your loving share

over and over again

In the a.m I  write

words and sentences about you

when you have walked out the door, in darkness of hues

I am  left alone

waiting for you to come back home

the footsteps of your shoes, I trace back in time waiting for your cue

who are you ? To diminish me to the power of your stringing words

once again you have failed at the hands of the truth

 humanity is living proof. ❞

- margo

what did you think of this one lovelies ? :)x

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