50. Teenage Psychology

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Mr Alam opens the door and pokes his head in, "May we come in, Sir?"

"Yes, of course," a steady voice comes from within.

Mr Alam enters the room and gestures Allison and me to come in, as well. We exchange glances towards each other before entering.

We stay at our spot near the door, while Mr Alam stands arm-crossed at the right side of the Head Teacher, Mr Enjoué.

The light shines off his bald head and his eyes seem to bulge out even through his glasses; though, the tightened lips on his usual smiling face seem strange.

Mrs Riguroso he Deputy Head, taps the table next to her while her other is at her hip. She takes a few steps forward, her heels clicking on the floor as she points a slim finger at four boys sitting on the other side of the room.

My mouth drops as I look over at Ethan and Trevor in sports uniforms, seated in the room's corner. The former has an ice-pack on his nose, while the latter on his black-eye. Allison's hand reflexively goes to the pocket occupying Ethan's glasses.

Eric and another guy whom I don't know look everywhere besides the middle of the room.

The latter boys notice us, and shake their friends' shoulders.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no," Ethan looks up and starts mumbling just as Trevor shoots him a smirk.
"Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes."

Ethan straightens up and raises a brow.
"Can you get any more immature?"

Trevor leans back in his seat as he says,
"It's a talent, my friend."

"Why you fu--"

"Boys, no cursing in the office!" Mrs Riguroso's voice booms throughout the office, making Mr Enjoué flinch beside her.

Ethan takes a deep breath before deadpanning to Trevor,
"Then may you wake up in the morning, only to find your phone's battery at zero percent."

Trevor and his friend blink at him while Ethan shoots a glare at Eric's snickers. Eric stops tittering and puts a finger on his lips.

Allison and Mr Enjoué suppress grins.

The Deputy Head massages her right temple before sighing,
"Now that we have the entire party here, would you two kindly tell us what happened?"

All of the boys remain quiet. Eric, seeing as nobody is talking, fidgets.
"Mrs Riguroso, you know that Ethan and Ian aren't exactly on good terms and today got a bit out of hand..."

Mrs Riguroso furrows her brows and says,
"I know, but it is extremely out of character for your petty fights to end up in fists! And especially you, Mr Ingram. I expected the initiation from Mr Trevor but it was actually you..."

Ethan? Fight?

The boys say nothing.

Mr Enjoué crinkles his face, while a wide grin spreads across it. He intertwines his hands on the table and leans forward,
"I know why you two fought..."

"You do?" Ethan jumps in his seat while twitching from the sudden pain in his broken nose.

My lips downcast.

Everyone turns their heads towards the principal, while I search Allison's face for some clues. Her face, too, has become a homeland of confusion.

"Now, I wouldn't be your Head Teacher if I didn't understand the basics of child-," he stops and coughs, "excuse me, teenage psychology."

Mrs Riguroso waves a hand at him,
"Then, what does your understanding of teenage psychology tell you, Head Teacher?"

Mr Enjoué rubs his the base of his french beard as he replies,
"We know for sure that the boy is acting out of character; now, by his reaction, exactly what is triggering that?"

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