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Bianca returned home after the first day of her senior year a bit more exhausted than she usually is after school.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that her sleep schedule had gone to shit during the summer, and that she only got maybe a solid hour and a half of sleep in a 24 hour period.

She collapsed into her bed in one of Calvin's old t-shirts and a pair of boxers.

Her mind was buzzing about the future for the longest time, and then, her mind landed on the new girl.

She played it cool in front of Calvin, but she knew for a fact that she felt something for Solána. Even if it was a slight tingle in her panties every time she thought of her face.

She tried to make Calvin believe that she didn't pay much attention to the new girl's physical attributes, when in reality, Bianca probably memorized them quicker than anyone ever has.

Her wild, black mane. Her beautiful brown skin with perfect freckles sprawled across her face. Her butterfly tattoo that looked as elegant on her arm as ever.

She laid there still and confused. Why was she so pressed about this girl who showed up out of thin air?

What was it about Solana that made all of her senses tingle? The mere thought of the girl touching her made Bianca's mouth water.

Her thoughts were persuading her to get at the new girl on the sly without Calvin noticing.

But the sane half of her was trying extremely hard to remind her of how bad that idea would be.

She just knew that if she tried to get at Solána, Calvin would turn it into a competition.

The new girl's face crossed Bianca's mind one more time in that very moment.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not afraid of a little competition." She said aloud to herself.


The very next day in first period, Bianca sat alone in the classroom at the seat she had sat in the day before. It was only her and Mr. Aldrich in the room since she was so early to class.

"Excited about starting the school year off I see," Mr. Aldrich said to herq with a smirk on his face.

"Well, you know what they say, early bird gets the worm."

"Yes indeed that's what they say, early bird," Mr. Aldrich chuckled, "do you like that seat your sitting in?"

"Y-yes? I mean, I guess it's okay?"
Bianca stammered in confusion.

"Well don't get too comfortable, because I'm drawing up a seating chart today."

"Don't you think we're a bit too old for seating charts?" she said with a slight attitude in her voice.

"You're never too old for structure dear," Mr. Aldrich remarked.

The bell rang obnoxiously loud per usual. One by one students began to file into the once empty and hollow classroom.

Solana shuffled into the room and went straight to her seat.

She looked to her left and made eye contact with Bianca at the opposite end of the row flashing her a very genuine smile.

Bianca smiled back as awkwardly as ever causing a slight giggle to pass Solana's lips. Suddenly, she rose from her seat and headed towards an extremely nervous Bianca.

"Hi, I'm Solana. What's your name?"

In that moment, everything felt so unreal. she was actually a living, talking being that wasn't a mere figment of her imagination.

Also in that moment, she seemed to not be able to recall her name.

"Uh, it's Bianca but you can call
me BiBi if you want," she managed to choke out.

"Aw, Bianca," Solána cooed, "that's such a pretty name I'm so jealous. I'm stuck with dry ass 'Solana' as a name."

"Stop it right now!" Bianca gasped, "Your name is beautiful. Sounds something like an expensive ass rare wine even the Queen of England could afford."

"You're as sweet as your pink cheeks make you look," Solána purred.

That compliment made Bianca's cheeks turn an even deeper shade of pink.

"Thanks," was all she could say with her signature sweet smile.

"Alright class, it's seating chart time!" Mr. Aldrich exclaimed, "everybody collect your things and stand in the back of the room."

Just as the class of tired teenagers began to shuffle their lazy, and somewhat sleep deprived, bodies to the back of the room, Calvin walked in and greeted Bianca.

"Hey what's going on? I know this nigga ain't assigning seats."

"That's exactly what he's doing," she sighed.

"I swear these teachers be so extra," Calvin barked with attitude.

"Well, in the teacher's defense, it does make it easier for them to take attendance," Solana said peeking her head from around Bianca.

"Oh shit hey Sosa," he said as his smile grew wider every second his eyes stayed on her.

"Hey hey," she said, " I didn't know you two knew each other, small school I guess."

"Yeah I know this knucklehead," Bianca began picking at Calvin, " I deal with him on a daily basis."

"Yup I see you've met my headass best friend." Calvin cut in on the playful banter.

"Best friends?" Solana said, "that's so cute. I had a bff once and it ended pretty shitty, but I'm not giving up hope on finding a new one someday."

"You shouldn't give up," Calvin said, "you're always welcome to link up with Bianca and I anytime. We know how hard it is being new and not really knowing anyone, so we'd like to make it easier on you."

"Thank you so much. How is it possible two people can be so nice?"

"Who do you think is nicer?" Bianca asked with a smug grin on her face knowing that Calvin was hoping she said that he was the nicer one amongst the pair.

"Oh my gosh!" Solana exclaimed, "this is a setup and I won't be a part of it," she laughed.

"You can be honest Sosa," Calvin said, "we value honesty in this group."

"Well," she said as she dragged out the 'L'.

There was a slight pause when she suddenly began to whisper in Bianca's ear, "Your dimples make you look so much sweeter."

Her core began to tremble. The fact that this unearthly goddess got anywhere near her personal space was too much to grasp.

Solana's whisper kissed Bianca's ear causing a wave of heat to crash onto her cheeks.

"Oh I see," Calvin spoke with jealousy in his tone, "You think shes the sweet one but I promise she ain't no angel. You'll see."

"It's okay to be naughty sometimes," Solána said. "It's more fun that way."

Bianca sent another smug smirk Calvin's way. She could almost see the envy dripping from his pores.

Mr. Aldrich began to call of names of who would be sitting in each row.

"Solana," he called out pointing at the first seat of the second row.

Bianca and Calvin both began to sweat as they were beyond anxious to see who would be joining her in the next available seat.

"Bianca," Mr. Aldrich called out and pointed to the seat next to the brown skin beauty.

She looked back at a pissed Calvin and winked before happily taking her seat.

"Hey there," Solána grinned, "Looks like we're going be spending a whole lot of time together. Beware, I'm very annoying," she smirked.

"Oh trust me, Solana, I am too," Bianca grinned.

"Call me Lana," she purred.

"Okay Lana," Bianca said lowly.

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