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This new school so far is pretty great I guess, the only thing is I feel like everybody is popular expect for me. I'm just an awkward drawer that reads whenever I can, everybody else has a big group of friends, I know I won't have that big of a group. But I don't mind having one friend, because you know you can trust them, Dani is amazing, we are best friends now you could say.

"Aria," Mrs.Stevens says, I was daydreaming, so I didn't hear her, "Aria," once again, then bam! "Aria Rose Johnson!" A ruler hit my desk, I slightly jump and get really scared, everybody starts laughing, I get super embarrassed, I turn to my teacher and acted like I was focusing, she bought it. I turned around to see if anybody was staring at me, nobody was so I looked back at my desk, I see a folded piece of paper, I u fold it quietly and it says "get your head out of the clouds, dumb ass." I really don't get hurt by words a lot because I got bullied at my old school, I just rip the paper and recycle it. I start walking to the lunch room, and see Dani sitting at our table, but with another person, I didn't mind because I wanted a cute tiny group, so I walked over "Heyyy Aria," Dani says "Heyyy Danimal," I say back it's our thing. "Hi Aria, I'm Jaxson," he looked really nice, I could tell all of us would be good friends. Dani, Jaxson and I hung out the rest of lunch talking about school, books and wondering if aliens really exist because we are weird, at the end of lunch we do a group hug and all go to class, Jaxson goes to science and Dani and I go to Math, it's our last class so we just pass notes most of the time. After class I go to my locker to get my things until I see a note drop out, "Recycled my note huh? Well I'm not done," this idiot thinks they scare me, haha nope, I ripped it again and threw it away, I am not going to let some
idiot ruin my year. I'm just going to focus on school, and the people who actually care about me.

Dreaming When Your AwakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora