So Much (Ch 23)

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I finished up and went down to a full living room.

“Did you catch any sight of him?” I heard Emily ask Sam.

“No, he hasn’t seemed to come back yet.” He sighed in disappointment.

“Who?” I asked, standing at the last step.

“Oh.” Emily looked up. I guess she didn’t realize I was there. “…Sam’s been waiting on this customer to come for a while to pick up his car.”

“Yeah, it’s taking too much room up in the shop.” He added.

Oookay. I nodded, not entirely believing them but walked past them anyway. Seth, Paul, and Embry were taking up the couch while Jared and Quil sat in the spare chairs. Where was Jake?

“Hey Luce.” Seth waved. “Man that food smells awesome” He turned to the guys.

I waved back and looked around the room trying to find him. I didn’t even notice someone going down the stairs behind me until I felt hands grab my shoulders. I gasped and jumped in my spot, spinning around to meet his warm eyes.

“Jake!” I breathed out. “You scared me!”

“Sorry.” He whispered. “I was in the bathroom.” He put his arms around me and I did the same.

A loud obnoxious clearing of the throat echoed through the room and I turned to see Embry smirking at us. I eyed him suspiciously and he looked back at the screen. Emily called from the kitchen that dinner was ready so we all scampered in, taking out seats at the table. I smushed in beside Jake and he chuckled at me.

“Sucks to be small, huh?” Jared jeered from the other side.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “When around giants, yes it does.”

They all laughed and we began to eat. I felt the heat radiating off Jake’s body as he sat close to me, every once in a while our arms rubbing against each other. The boys were shoveling the food into their mouth at rapid speeds so I guess they hadn’t had much to eat all day. I kind of felt bad for them, having school every day and then having to work at the shop with Sam the days they had off. I looked beside me and saw Jake looking back a smirk on his face. I smiled back and elbowed him softly. He did it back. Oh God, Now we were actually flirting at the dinner table. Thankfully nobody took notice of it.

“Oh, I forgot the buns in the oven.” Emily and I both made to get up, but Embry got up instead, telling us he’d get them.

“You’re already lodged in there enough.” He joked to me. I laughed with him.

He came back to the table, the pan in his hands… his bare hands. My eyes widened- that thing was in an oven heated to 400 degrees!

“Embry!” I shouted. I stood up with my napkin in hand and yanked the tray quickly from him.

Everyone stopped their eating and even he jumped at my outburst. He looked at me like I had gone insane. “Are you okay?” I set the pan down and took his hands into mine from across the table. I was shocked to see that they were completely fine- no red, no marks. How was that even possible? I simply was touched by a hot spatula and I have the raw scar to prove it. I looked up at him and he seemed rather not phased.

“Does it hurt?” I asked him.

“Does what hurt?” He took his hand away from mine and examined it.

“You just held that pan without any mitts.”

At this his eyes widened and he looked around to the other guys. They all looked away and back to their food.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now