day 30

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day 30

JIN waltzed into the bakery humming sweetly to the tune of the song he created with namjoon. it was a fresh monday morning and jin had spent the entirety of the night before thinking of namjoon.

he was disenchanted when the younger left late sunday evening, but nonetheless, it didn't hinder him from still feeling like he was afloat.

all that was on his mind was the previous weekend. they spent the majority of their time in hushed giggles, soft whispers, and affectionate kisses.

their shared passion was never a frenzy of lust but slow and time stopping.

jaejoon peeked his head from out the kitchen window when hearing jin's humming. he watched quietly as the older tied an apron around his waist and pinned on his name tag. he simpered as he saw the serene look jin was sporting; having half of an idea as to why he was so cheerful this early.

"oh seokjin," jaejoon sang, leaning forward on his elbows, resting the the top of his head against the window's wall.

jin spun to face the boy, not startled in the slightest. "oh jaejoon," he called back in the same tone, just as light and playful.

"why do you seem like your fairy grandmother just granted you access to the ball, hmm?" he hummed, eyes taking over jin's obviousness.

he knew something regarding namjoon must have taken place a few nights ago. fleetingly, he considered working as a psychic rather than a baker.

"you can a secret, can't you, child?" jin walked towards him so they stood in front of each other.

separating them was the wall that kept each other in different rooms. jin outlined the border of the window with his index finger, a small smile playing on his face.

he seemed to be half in reality and half in his thoughts. jaejoon was undoubtedly intrigued. he hasn't seen jin like this; so blissful. so he nodded, indicating for jin to continue on with the so called secret.

jin abruptly began to beam. he was bouncing on the balls of his feet, excited to finally share his situation with someone other than his mother and father.

as he relived his weekend events, he was back in his thoughts. though he was looking at jaejoon he wasn't exactly paying much attention.

the younger couldn't hold back his smile. of all his coworkers, jin was his favorite.

he always loved spending time with him during the breaks they'd sometimes share in the back room, he liked that jin was so easy to tease. but this jin: happy and in love, was decidedly what jaejoon loved the most.

jin deserved it. jin deserves everything the world has to offer.

jaejoon made a mental note to thank namjoon one day.


just bc i really love jaejoon and jin's platonic, co-worker relationship

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