Night has fallen

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I'm so sleepy now. Samantha jumps up and down and up and down, as if she has a sugar rush, even if I tell her all I want is to sleep. She is as energetic as ever.

I guess I should have slept on the plane like she did. I regret not doing that. If I did, I might have been even more energetic than she is presently.

I yawn and flop onto my bed. It is medium sized, fairly larger than I expected. It is soft, but not too much. I close my eyes.

I should go brush my teeth now. At the same time, I don't want to move. I also need to shower. But I'm too lazy.

I hear Samantha unzipping her lofty luggage. I see her taking out clothes, slippers, and toiletries. She asks me "Are you going to get ready to sleep?", and I make a "Ynnnnnnnnuuyyyyyaaaa" sound. She jumps to the washroom. "Should I close and lock the door?" she asks. I tell her "I don't mind," and close my eyes once more.

I hear shower noises. I get up to open a window, and let in fresh breeze. I hop back onto my bed and close my eyes, again.

When Samantha gets out, she is perfectly ready to go to bed. I'm still wearing my puffy winter jacket, and she is in her comfy pajamas. She tells me to hurry up and get dressed, while she climbs in her bed. Reluctantly, I follow her orders and stripped off my clothes. I sluggishly climbed into the showers, before I slump in and say i want a bath...

Oops... Seems like the words actually came out. Samantha rushes in and asks if I would like her to bathe me. I don't mind. I'm tired as hell and I honestly just don't want to move. She asks if I'm sure. I said to her "Of course..."

She turns on the tap and takes out a fluffy loofah sponge from her little toiletries bag. She starts scrubbing my back as the water level rises. She says to me:

"You know we're going to a hot spring tomorrow at night, right?" I nod and simply state that I am too tired to even wash myself. She chuckles and leans over to kiss me.

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