Heart to Heart...

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2:35 am...

With Tahari sleeping peacefully in my arms, I gazed at the dark ceiling. Prior to the storm that was weighing heavy outside, the moonlight peeked through the blinds of my bedroom but now that the storm was cutting up; It was dark but my eyes adjusted. My mind was depriving me from sleeping and it was becoming bothersome to me. I didn't know what was going on with me and it was scaring me to be completely honest. Interfering with my thoughts, the lightning lit up the entire bedroom and not too long after, a clap of thunder sounded, causing Tahari to shift in her sleep. Not even realizing that I was doing so, my fingers ran through her unkempt hair. I closed my eyes for a second and with that I actually realized what I was doing and I took my hand away.

I sighed before opening my eyes. With the rain sounding against the window pane, I took my arms from around her and carefully lifted her and moved her over to the other side of the bed. I sat up and reached over and covered her up before getting out of bed. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and unplugged it from it's charger before making my way out of the bedroom. I walked into the living room and turned on the old floor lamp that was in the corner. Taking a seat on the couch with my phone in my grasp, I sighed as I gazed down at the hard wood floor. Placing my attention on my phone, I went through my contacts until I came across the person I wanted to hit up. I pressed call and slid the phone to my ear, awaiting for an answer. "Hello", my yung answered.

"What's good man, what you on?", I queried not hearing an ounce of sleep in his voice.

"Shit, playing 2k, what's up?"...

"Slide through, I need to talk to you man", I said getting straight to the point.

"Everything good yung?"...

"I don't know man, just come through", I said almost sounding desperate to talk to my nigga.

"Aight man, I'll be there"...

"Aight", I said before ending the phone call.

Placing my phone on the end table, I stood to my feet and made my way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I let my eyes roam. Not really knowing if I was in the mood to actually eat something, I closed the door and let out a sigh. I don't know what was eating at me. Taking notice of the report that my lady aced on my icebox, a smirk crept upon my face. I've never cared so much for a woman aside from my mother but I held Tahari on a pedestal, so high that I loved her just as much. I love her more than I do myself and I felt it deep and it's taking a toll on how I was feeling at this moment.

Straightening up my face, my eyes roamed her report, admiring her handwriting. I sighed at the fact that I took it as far as putting her report on my icebox. Once my mind settled on the day that I actually put this up, it cut deep. Hours later, prior to that, she was shot and I was heartbroken.

Knowing that she could've died because of me still sat on my heart. Up until this day, I still thanked God for not taking that beautiful soul away from me. I was thankful that she was and still apart of my life. Taking the paper away from the icebox, I took a seat at the table and gazed at it. Although the day ended terribly, everything leading up to that moment were highlights of a bond that we built. Learning the basics about each other, the simple things; with them words followed the actions. She even lined me up. That young woman stepped into my life and surprised the hell out of me, being that she was such an innocent soul, she's been holding down a ruthless ass nigga. She, in so many ways kept a nigga leveled.

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