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Your alarm clock had blared in your ear early that Sunday morning, earning a disapproving groan from you. Throwing your arm towards the source of the sound, you knocked your alarm clock off the side table. Groaning in annoyance, you got up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, polluting the air with your morning breath. Sighing, you picked up the screaming chunk of metal, placing it back on your desk, turning the ear piercing shriek off.

"piece of shit" you mumbled tiredly, rubbing your eyes. You let out an loud ugly yawn, stretching your back, cracking every joint located in your spine in the process. Sighing in relief, you dragged yourself to the the bathroom, tripping several times, and cursing at inanimate objects, such as the wall, and your carpet. Once you had entered the bathroom, you had immediately began stripping your pajamas off. You decided it was best if you took a nice warm shower, waking yourself to start the day.

You gulped nervously, standing in front of Toriel's house, that seemed to loom over you, in a more demeaning manner, than before. Letting out a shaky breath, you quietly knocked on Toriel's door, as if a horrific monster stood on the other side. Not that there wasn't a chance there was. 5 minutes had passed, and still no one answered the door. Whilst Leaning forward to knock thrice more, the door dramatically opened, revealing a tall skeleton that loomed over you, a rather large smile spread across their face.

"HELLO HUMAN! YOU MUST BE THE ONE TORIEL TOLD US ABOUT!" Staring in awe, all you could do was shrink back. The height of this skeleton intimidated you to its fullest.

"THERE SHOULD BE NO NEED TO WORRY HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS MEAN NO HARM!" The skeleton reached his hand out for you to shake, waiting expectantly for you to return it. You knew you didn't mind the monsters, and that they were practically the same as humans, but you had still, never come into contact with one, other than Toriel. The whole experience was still rather foreign to you.

"HUMAN? ARE YOU OKAY?" Papyrus asked rather worriedly. Realizing you had spaced out again you blushed and extended your own hand out.

"Yeah, sorry about that Papyrus. It's nice to meet you too! My name's (Y/n)" You smiled at the skeleton, shaking his gloved hand.
"LET US ENTER THE LIVING ROOM WHERE YOU CAN MEET MY FRIENDS! TORIEL WILL BE HAPPY TO SEE YOU, HUMAN!" You giggled at the skeleton's behavior, before feeling two strong hands pick you up and hoist you onto the skeletons large shoulder. You gasped, grabbing onto Papyrus' neck for dear life

"Papyrus! Y-you're really ta-"

"ONWARDS HUMAN!" The playful skeleton ran towards the living room, you on his shoulders, clinging to dear life. You were surprised at how easily he befriended you, welcoming you into the house. If only people were as nice as this.

You soon entered the living room, placed on papyrus' shoulders, with four pairs of eyes, staring at you curiously.

"Oh! (Y/n) I am glad that you have arrived!" Toriel's calm voice came. "everybody, I would like you to meet my neighbor (Y/n)!" You smiled shyly, still sitting on the skeletons shoulders.

"Hi" You waved at them, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. "Um... My name's (Y/n) and..." You blushed furiously, mentally face palming at your introduction. "And Toriel had already said that..." You were beyond embarrassed, burrowing your steaming face in the palm of your hands. Great way to introduce yourself, you mentally scolded yourself.
A deep chuckle emitted from a short skeleton, dressed in a blue hoodie and black shorts.

"the names sans. sans the skeleton." His deep voice was calm and collected. A pair of black eye sockets staring straight at you with two small, white pinpricked pupils sitting in the black abyss. A lazy smile spread across his face. The skeleton stood up, walking towards you and Papyrus.

"hey pap, maybe put the kid down so she can actually meet us" the skeleton, known as Sans gestured to Papyrus' shoulders

"OH, OF COURSE BROTHER!" you could soon feel the ground beneath your feet once again, sighing in relief as you did. When you looked back up to Sans, he had his arm extended out for a handshake.

"come on pal. Don't you know how to greet a new friend?" He smirked, nudging his hand further more. You gladly took his, before a loud fart echoed through the living room. You froze dead. That wasn't you was it? Surely it wasn't... was it? Howls of laughter could be heard from several monsters. You looked to where your hand was, noticing that the skeleton still hadn't let go. Once he did, a red whoopee cushion sat in his palm.

"ahhh the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. never gets old." Laughter was still heard from the monsters, and soon, you joined in, once you were able to process the scenario.

"That was great!" You managed to choke out between gasps of air. The living room had soon settled down once again. Sans seemed to chuckle at your response.

"Hey human, I'm Undyne" A strong female voice called out behind you. A tall anthropomorphic fish lady stood behind you. Her red ponytail hung loosely on her shoulder, and her blue scales shining in the light.
"This here is Alphys." She nudged a short yellow, dinosaur – like monster forward. A simple white lab coat hung from her shoulder, and a pair of rounded glasses sat on her snout.

"n-nice to m-meet y-you" she stuttered, glancing around nervously, fiddling with the buttons on her coat. You smiled at her. She was too adorable.

"It's nice to meet you too Alphys." She blushed and shuffled back behind Undyne, sitting back on the couch

"Well then, now that we have all introduced ourselves, why don't we have some pie?" Toriel said walking into the living room, holding several plates of butterscotch and cinnamon pie. How she was capable of holding so many plates, will forever remain a mystery to, but you decided to push that thought aside, and focus on the pie that sat in front of you.

The day overall was great. Sans telling terrible puns, movies and Undyne and Papyrus having a spaghetti competition. Unfortunately, the spaghetti didn't decide to stay in your stomach, resulting in you spending a good 15 minutes in the toilet, puking out the 'spaghetti'. What on earth was in that stuff?
Soon, the day came to an end, and all your new monster friends had to leave soon.

"I-it's getting kinda l-l-late, don't you t-think Undyne?" Alphys asked while we all sat on Toriel's verandah, sipping some golden flower tea. "W-we should p-probably head home s-soon."

"Oh! Do you two live together?" You asked. The two seemed to blush, looking at each other nervously.

"W-we're dating" Alphys announced nervously. You were soon choking on your tea, gasping for breath. A shocked look was held on all the monsters, staring at you, awaiting what you were going to say.

"THAT'S IS ADORBALE!!! HOW LONG HAVE YOU TWO BEEN DATING??" You slammed your cup of tea down and rushed to the two, bouncing up and down on your toes. You didn't know why you were so excited. You never acted this way around people, mainly because you never actually had any friends, always sticking to your cousins. The two were shocked at your sudden outburst, looking at each other and then back at you.

"For a few months now. Actually, our four-month anniversary is coming up soon. Isn't it Alphys?" Undyne smiled down at Alphys who blushed furiously. Nodding at Undyne sheepishly.

"Awww! I'm so happy for you guys!" You cooed, fan girling over the two. A few awkward minutes passed, and you sighed, looking down at the floor. "sorry about my sudden outburst" You rubbed the back of your neck, slightly embarrassed.
"I've never really had any friends to talk about this kinda stuff with, so I just kinda got really excited" You admitted.

"That's okay, we're your friends now though! So come talk to us about any relationship issues" Undyne winked at you. You were speechless. They considered you a friend? Your jaw hung slightly open, staring at all the monsters. Never had anyone said such kind words to you.

"you'll catch fly's kiddo. I know it is rather jaw dropping," Sans smirked at you. Tears seemed to find their way to your eyes. The monsters seemed to tense up, seeing tears, they quickly reacted, checking to see if you were okay.

"HUMAN? WHY ARE YOU LEAKING?" Asked a worried Papyrus. A small smile found its way onto your face as you grabbed as many monsters as you could, wrapping them in a bone crushing hug."

"Thank you guys so much" you whispered, as they smiled at you

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