#108 Giving You His Jacket

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He was always so busy; it was hard to keep up with your boyfriend's life. And so every Thursday, you and Niall had a movie marathon at his place. And three movies and a couple beers later, you were a little bit tipsy and way too tired to drive home. "Come on, you don't have to sleep on the couch", Niall said as he pulled you up. You carefully stood up, your arm slung around Niall's shoulders, and made your way towards the bedroom. Without thinking, you slipped off your jeans and t-shirt, leaving you in your underwear and a tank top. You quickly jumped into bed, pulling the blankets all the way up to your shoulders. "It's freezing", you said, curling up in a ball to keep warm. "Here!" Niall shouts before tossing you one of his hoodies. You slipped it on quickly, the fuzziness on the inside warming you instantly. But only a few minutes later, you felt yourself shivering once again. And Niall must have noticed too, because he pulled you closely so that your head was resting on his chest. You were definitely warm after that.


Your hands were shaking as you anxiously waited for the seatbelt sign to turn off. You hadn't seen Liam in almost a month, and you finally got some time to fly out and see him on tour. The plane soon landed, and the flight attendant announced that it was time to leave. You unbuckled your seatbelt as fast as you could, grabbed your purse and headed for the door. You practically ran down the terminal and your eyes searched for Liam in the airport crowd. Before you knew it a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you around. "I've missed you", Liam says as he presses his lips against yours. "I've missed you, too", you whisper. "I need to go get my luggage", you say after about 5 minutes of nonstop hugging and kissing. "I hope you brought a jacket", he says, looking at your shorts and tank top. "It's not as warm here as it is where you just came from." You chuckle slightly, "There's one in my suitcase." But as you got to the luggage pick-up, your suitcase was nowhere to be found. "I can't believe they lost my stuff", you pout an hour later. "We'll go by you some new clothes", Liam smiles as he takes off his coat and gives it to you. And although you told him it wasn't necessary, there was no changing Liam's mind.


You buckled yourself in, turned off your cellphone, and looked out the window. You and Louis were taking a mini vacation, just for the weekend. The flight would only last for 2 hours, so you didn't think you needed to bring much with you on the plane. "What's wrong?" Louis asked, eying your crossed arms. "Oh, just a little cold in here", you said, shrugging your shoulders. "I told you to bring a jacket", Louis chuckles to himself. "Yeah, yeah, yeah", you say, rubbing your arms. Louis' "I told you so" attitude only lasts for a moment and he soon slips his zip-up jacket off and hands it to you. "I suppose I'll be a good boyfriend and freeze just so you can be warm", he says, faking a shiver. "Aww, you're so sweet", you say dramatically as you put on the jacket. It provided just enough heat so that you were perfectly comfortable for the flight. Louis was a bit chilly though, so he didn't hesitate to cuddle up next to you for the next hour and a half...and you really didn't mind.


It was early in the evening when Zayn picked you up for your first date, so it was still quite warm. And since it was such a lovely evening, the two of you decided to walk instead of drive. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't as nice by the end of the night. The two of you walked down the sidewalk from the small café as a burst of wind swept by. You shivered uncontrollably, regretting your decision to wear a dress. "You cold?" Zayn asked, putting his arm around your shoulders. "A little", you admitted. Zayn removed his arm from around your shoulders and quickly took off his jacket. "Here", he smiled, placing the leather fabric over you. You instantly felt the warmth as you slipped your arms through the jacket, Zayn placing his arm around your waist soon after. Part of you was happy that the walk was short, because you were able to get inside your apartment soon. The other part of you was a little disappointed, because you wanted to spend more time with Zayn. But that issue was resolved, because Zayn asked to see you again tomorrow.


It was without a doubt the best day of your life. You had been waiting for this for so long, the day that you would finally be married to your best friend, the love of your life. The reception would soon be ending, and you and Harry would make your way back home and spend the first night together as husband and wife. And in the morning you would finally leave for your honeymoon. You still couldn't believe that just a few hours ago you and Harry said "I do". You smoothed out your dress as you waited for Harry join you by the entrance. The crowd began to line up by the door and Harry was soon by your side. "It's a little slick out there, so you gotta be careful", Harry whispered as he motioned outside. It was a December wedding, which meant lots of snow and ice. "Actually", Harry whispered to himself, unbuttoning his black tuxedo jacket. He draped the coat over your bare shoulders and kept his arm tight around you. "Let's go home", he smiled.

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