9: Dead to Me

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I felt accomplished and happy, I got Jess back. All seemed right in the world. I don't want to go home though, my good days usually end horribly when I get home and my parents simply say anything to me.

I sighed hesitating if I should either turn the cold knob and enter my god forsaken home, or if I should spend the night at Nathan's again. I decided I shouldn't give my family anymore reason to think I'm gay, I mean I love Nathan, but not in that way. Maybe I would feel that way if Nathan felt that way towards me. But no, that's weird to even think about.

The instant I opened the door I heard my evil sister shout in a mocking way 'Ray is home'. I sighed and tried to go straight up to my room but my parents stopped me.

"Ray come her now!" My mom said pointing to the couch.

I flopped down on our old leather couch and crossed my arms.

"What.." I said irritated.

"Son, you're grounded. Nothing but school and home." My dad said with his stern voice. "And no more seeing that 'Nathan' boy either. He's a bad influence plus he's turned you gay!"

"I am not ga-"

"DO NOT ARGUE!" My dad yelled, he seemed to shake the house with his voice. "Your sister, Emily, said she saw you in bed, with Nathan!"

"Oh my go-"


"Dad!!! Stop interrupting me! I'm not gay, and I'm not staying here." I stood up abruptly. "I am leaving. To go to my GIRLFRIENDS, house. To probably f--- her because I'm sooooo gay." I yelled sarcastically.

I made my way towards the front door and before I could my dad yelled again.

"Don't you walk away from me! I know you're going to go to that Nathan boys house." He ran ahead of me and stood in the doorway, "I didn't raise a liar or a faggot!"

I angrily pushed him aside but before I could grab the door knob he grabbed my arm and twisted it.

"Ah! Damn it, Dad you're hurting me!"

"Don't you touch that door knob, boy."

I pulled away and grabbed it, as I did the last thing I saw was a hand flying towards my face.

I opened my eyes but everything was spinning, blood ran into my mouth. My ears were ringing, I heard my mom faintly screaming. I realized I was on the floor a blurry figure stood above me, it got closer. It pulled me up off the floor by my shirt and hit me again.

I was in shock, I didn't know what was happening all I could think of was 'GET OUT'.

I reached for the door, pulled it opened and scrambled out. I stumbled down the steps outside landing on my sore bloodied face again. I got up and the last thing I head wile running off was, "IF YOU GO NOW, YOU ARE NEVER COMING BACK. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!!!!!!"

I just ran as fast as I possibly could, my face was burning and throbbing with every step I pounded on the pavement. Once I finally got as far as I could running away from that house I stopped to catch my breath. 'So I guess I'm never going back.' I thought to myself as I started slowly walking down the road.

All I could do was laugh at the moment. They really thought I was gay! What kind of lies was that evil little bitch Emily telling them, but I mean if they're that persistent about it, maybe they're right? No. My whore of a sister really told them all those lies. I continued laughing, now more hysterically.

I wiped my face and looked down at my hand, it was covered in blood. I didn't realized how hard and how many times my dad hit me. I guess I did fall on my face trying to get out of the house as well.

"Yo man!" Yelled a familiar voice. It was Shawn, my friend from the empty lot were Jess almost bit my tongue off. I didn't realize I'd walked that far, he was in the empty lot with the rest of them. Mark, Khalan and Jordan.

I waved with my bloody hand and walked towards them.

"Ray! What happened?" Exclaimed Shawn.

"Ah, nothin.." I said laughing trying to shake the blood off my hand.

"Who jumped you? Where are they?" Asked Mark ready to fight, which he pretty much always is ready to fight so that doesn't mean he's being a protective friend or whatever.

"Just went down the wrong street." I replied, but they all knew that I was lying.

"Did Jess do it?" Laughed Khalan.

"Nah man. We're cool now."

"She was so pissed, what did you do to her?" Asked Mark.

"Guys stop messin' with him. You look like you need some weed Ray." Said Jordan handing me a fat joint.

"Thanks man." I replied, grabbing it and taking a huge hit. My tongue slightly burned as the smoke entered my mouth. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as it did when it was a fresh wound. My face, obviously, hurt a lot more than my tongue.

I took two more hits before I handed it back to Jordan apologizing for blood I got on his joint.

"Oh and I banged another chick, that's why Jess was so mad." I said without thinking.

"OH DAMN!!" They all yelled.

"I knew it! Boy, you dumb!" Laughed Khalan playfully pushing me.

"Yeah, I guess. Look, I gotta get cleaned up. I'm ganna head off."

"You sure you don't want to stay?" Asked Jordan, "Khalan got some Lean!"

"Nah guys sorry, I have to go. Maybe imma get some with Jess." I laughed, walking off. "I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

I made my way towards Nathan's house which was the opposite way of Jess's. I didn't really want to go to Jess'.

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