14. Bloodlines lll

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🎶Open your hand, take a glass
Don't be scared, I'm right here
Even though you don't know
Trust me girl, you wanna be
High for this 🎶


I turned around to see Damon leaning against the railing. He looked genuinely concerned. "You okay?"

"Don't pretend to care. I'm just here to keep things exciting, since you have no friends. You're just using me, Damon." I walked past him, but stopped before I walked in. "And stop gloating. It's not a good look."

I walked over to the bar and heard Bree talking into the phone while having the blender going. She obviously didn't want a certain somebody to hear. Hint, hint, Damon. "Hey, it's Bree. You'll never gonna guess who walked into my bar." O God. Did Damon have his own fan club? Paparazzi? What is this? I ignored her little comment and took the four shots on the bar. I wanted to drink my problems away.

Damon walked over to me and slung his arm around my shoulder. I shook it off. "You're not a replacement."

I raised an eyebrow. "How do I know you're not lying?"

"You don't. But you can spend the next few hours pretending to be mad at me-"

"I'm not pretending."

But Damon continued like I never said anything. "Or you can have some fun. But first no fun on an empty stomach. Bree?" He called over her. "The usual for us both." She nodded and walked off. She came back a few moments later with burgers and fries. I picked the pickles off my burgers.

"Let's just say that I'm descended from Katherine...does that make me part vampire?"

"Vampires can't procreate. But we love to try." Damon smirked.

"Ok, ew."

"Come on. You know you want some."

"Of this burger? Yes." And I took a bite of the burger.

Damon laughed. "No, if you were related, it would mean Katherine had a child before she was turned."

"Do you really think she couldn't have?" I questioned.

"I would've known."

"Did Stefan think that he could use Elena to replace her?"

"Kinda creepy if you ask me."

"That's what you were trying to do!" I challenged.

"No. Your resemblance to Katherine didn't make me intrigued by you."

"Now you're saying I'm not intriguing?"

"That's not what I'm saying, at all." He placed his hand on my thigh, yet again. I kind of froze at the moment. He smirked and went back to eating his fries when he looked over at me plate and plucked off the pickles. "Come on, what? You don't like pickles? What's wrong with you?"

"I've trained myself not to like them. Caroline gets serious about her pickles, and I don't want to risk accidentally eating one of her pickles."

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