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A/N: Enjoy my lovely honey bunnies. 😘
     Newt and I shuffle our way down a very narrow, busy street. I try my best to stay close to Newt, clutching his warm hand with all my might, but every now and again, he gives my hand a little squeeze to show that he isn't going anywhere. The small alleyway buzzes with life. Dozens of people going in and coming out of the small shop doorways. Every few feet there is a different sign stating a different name in a different font. Gold and silver letters shimmer as the signs sway back and for in the light breeze. The display windows gleamed as if they have never seen a bad storm, or much less a single speck of dust. Behind the crystal clear windows stand many different things, depending on the shop. Elegant women's gowns are draped over headless mannequins​. Moving toys trot around on a display table while other sit, motionless, in a small, hand carved chair. Other shops display things that I have never really seen displayed in such an extravagant way. A sleek, dark broom is cradled by a pair of golden hooks, several lights focused on the object, making it shine with radiance. There's even a shop with several cages hung outside, displaying many sorts of small creatures, but owls are what I mainly see.

I cant help but gawk at the strange beauty of this magical place. The more I look, the more I lose my grip on reality. And before I know it, I lose Newts hand. I pause, quickly straightening my posture in search for the ginger-brown haired man. "Newt?" I call. When I don't get an answer, I whip my head in every direction, frantically looking for the odious man. "Newt?" I call, a bit louder this time. All I got were confused stares from the passing witches and wizards. "Newt Scamander!" I yell over the buzzing crowd. A bead of cold sweat falls down my brow and I feel my heart rate begin to accelerate as I begin to make my way through the crowded street in search of Newt, but no sooner do I take a step, a familiar hand tangles its fingers with mine. "____!" I hear Newts voice exclaim, followed by a sigh of relief as I'm pulled into a tight embrace. "I told you to stay close! Why'd you let go of my hand? Diagon Alley isn't a dangerous place, but I don't want you wandering off!" He says as he grabs my shoulders and frantically shakes me. I smile to myself and giggle at how flustered he is. "I'm sorry. I'll do better next time." I say with a cheeky grin. Newt gives me an annoyed stare, than lets it go with a sigh, "Hold onto my arm this time." I nod and obediently attached myself to his arm.

A few minutes later, Newt stops in front of a small shop, a sign that reads 'Olivanders' sits next to the door. "What are we doing here?" I question. "Well ____, if you're going to be a witch, than you're going to need a wand." Newt replies with a small smirk, as if saying those few words brought him great amusement. I roll my eyes, and Newt pulls me along with him as he steps inside. The shop is much bigger on the inside. In fact, it's huge. Shelves full of small boxes look like they reach back into infinity. The shop is dark and musty, but somehow feels comforting. I continue to gaze at the many vast shelves in front of me until I hear nonchalant whistling approaching the front of the stop. I slender old man with frizzy white hair comes into view. He is very odd looking, but strangely reminds me of my grandfather back home. He notices us after a few moments, his eyes immediately lock with Newts and a wide smile spreads across his face. "Newton Artemis Fiddo Scamander." He says slowly, as if remembering a wonderful name that he had long forgotten, and once more took great pleasure in saying it. I lean over to Newt, "Does everyone greet you like that?" He chuckles and turns his attention back to the old man. "Good afternoon, Mr. Olivander." He greets, approaching the checkout desk in front of us. "What can I do for you on this fine mor--" Mr. Olivander pauses, mid sentence, when his eyes suddenly find me, as if he hadn't noticed me before. He look at me, than back at Newt, and than back to me, a soft smile slipping onto his lips. "Is this your lady?" Olivander asks. Newt suddenly stiffens, taking in a sharp breath. His face flushes and he shakes his head vigorously, "No, no! This is my close friend and coworker, ____." I smile and nod my head in greeting, though a little hurt at the words 'close friend'. Olivander smirks, raising an eyebrow. "If you say so. Anyway, as I was saying earlier," he says with a chuckle, "what can I do for you?" Newt looks back at me, gesturing for me to stand next to him, which I do. "____ is in need of a wand." Newt replies to the white haired man. "Well, that shouldn't be difficult, I'll be right back." Olivander disappears behind a large shelf and returns only a few moments later carrying a long, thin box. "I don't mean to pry, but..." Olivander begins as he makes his way towards me and Newt. "Why have you not gotten your wand until now? Most of my costumers that come in here for their first wands are young students that will attend Hogwarts for their first year soon." He says as he opens the box and pulls out a slender, light brown wand. I feel myself blush with embarrassment, realizing that I am rather old to be receiving my first wand now. However, in my defense, I didn't even believe in the idea of a whole wizarding world, I just assumed I was alone. Olivander hands me the sleek piece of wood, the handle embroidered with swirly, dotted designs burned into it. I stare at the gorgeous detailing. It is a beautiful work of art, but something about it just feels...off. I awkwardly look up at Olivander, not really knowing what I'm supposed to do. "Well, give it a wave!" He says, his voice voice making me jump. I do as I'm told and give the wand a slight flick of my wrist. I hear a strong whoosh and the lightbulb above us shatters, sending small pieces of glass flying everywhere. I quickly use my arms to shield my head while Newt and Olivander stare at the lightbuld, than at each other. "Nope." they say in unison. I shoot confused looks at both of the men, who both seem to be acting as if what just happened is completely normal. Olivander holds out his hand, and I  gently place it in his hand. "Shall we have another go?" He asks. I shrug. He softly smiles, than returns to his shelves, quickly coming back with another box.

Legilimency {Newt Scamander X Reader} Where stories live. Discover now