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As I look at the days I've lost from suffering

Then I see my happiness is few and far between

Than why do I remember the good times along with the bad

As if I've had enough good to equal the bad

Why have I not been driven insane

Why am I not done playing this horrible game of life

Why is my happiness keeping me sane when I haven't seen its face

Why does it seem like where ever I go death and pain follows

Why do I see everyone smiling and laughing, yet I can't crack a smile

Why can I only joke about my own pain

Why is the hand I've been dealt not even a part of this game

Why do I write for you guys anyway

Well I'll give you the reasons and the answers

I've failed to much to watch others do the same

I've seen the pain life can cause with my own two eyes

I've seen what it's like to stand in death's path

I've lost more than I've taken

I've destroyed more than I've built

I've written the book on pain

Yet somehow I'm still here to explain

I've seen happiness go to grief in seconds

I've watched as buildings crumble around me

I've walked down a path of pain and sadness

I've trail blazed the path I'm on

I've stared death in the face and somehow walked away

I only have one question for each one of you


Would you want to follow me

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