Part 5

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daily kayla entry #5


10:09 pm

i quit therapy. i thought it would help but it didnt. if anything, it made me feel worse. ive had no motivation to do anything. i wanted to stop talking to everyone, go mute, disappear, crawl in a hole and cry. honestly i still do. people already dont notice me. they dont care. and so i thought "well if i just ice people out, suspend my facebook, cut ties with people, make them leave, then i'll be able to leave without anyone making a huge deal." and it was a good plan. but no. i couldnt do it. i hate making people feel like im ignoring them. recently its like anytime i have motivation, everything crashes. i cant ever figure things out. i used to believe i had a higher logical intellegence, but now i dont care. i dont want to think. i dont want to do anything. ive been told to consider medication. it makes me feel worse than therapy. im like an old vase. i was sturdy, became fragile. i finally broke, and now i have to be fixed. but the glue wont hold and my pieces dont want to try staying together anymore. i just cant find the right glue.

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