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Previously on Pure Happiness

"I'm so sorry, Beth."


"You're Mikael."


"This isn't going to work," Beth said as she struggled against the Original Vampire's grip. The oldest original simply chuckled arrogantly as he continued to drag her along. "I would know."

"You don't know anything."

"Why are you doing this?" The strawberry blonde questioned.

"That is none of your concern," he smirked before elbowing the side of the girl's head and knocking her unconscious.

"Maybe that will teach you to stop talking," Mikael smirked. He through her with one of Klaus's hybrids that he had compelled.

The Original then walked toward the back door of the Lockwood Mansion and stood on the outside of the entrance because he had not been granted permission to enter.

"Hello, Mikael," Klaus greeted with a smirk as he approached the back door from the inside. "Won't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot. You can't."

"Or you can come outside if you want," Mikael proposed.

"Or I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb."

"They can't kill me," the original declared.

"True, but it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these 2 fingers together, and they'll pounce," Klaus smirked.

"The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward," the man taunted. "You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me."

Mikael smirked as two of Klaus' hybrids dragged the doppelganger and Banshee. The Original Hybrid's smirk fell when he saw the brunette and the strawberry blonde in the arms of his hybrids that had been compelled by his father.

Beth tried so hard to open her eyes, but as much as she tried, she just couldn't. Her eyelids felt too heavy to move but she could hear everything. She could hear Mikael's taunting voice, Klaus' challenging but nervous voice, and the doppelganger's pleas. It all just made it worse because try as she might, she could not help.

"Come out and face me, Niklaus. Or they both die," he demanded.

"Kill them both."

The doppelganger shook her head pleadingly, "No, Klaus. He'll do it."

"If she dies, this lot will be last of your abominations. And if she dies," he started pointing at the strawberry blonde, "you won't ever get a chance." His mocking only made Klaus feel angry and unreasonably ashamed.

"I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you," the hybrid declared.

"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever, with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! What do you have other than those whose loyalty you forced? No one. No one," Mikael yelled as the hybrid's blue eyes began to water.

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