Chapter 6

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Ellie's POV

"Aww Taehyung you are so cute, Ellie must really mean the world to you!" Jaebum still sat on the bench behind a slightly awkward Taehyung.

" that's n-not what I meant! I mean l-like, you know aha," he kept stuttering which was really cute. Usually he gets really cocky with himself as soon as he has said something stupid.

"I get it Tae don't worry, no need to get shy with me! " I snickered. Honestly, I did kind of misunderstand what he meant. I would never say it to him though. I guess it could embarrass him. I'm so stupid at times though, I overthink about the slightest things. This is why I don't have a boyfriend yet and my friends get irritated when something minor that happens. I always think that I have done something wrong or I should've not said that.

"ahaha this is cute! Now can we go out and eat please!" Jaebum walked up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Now my lovely lady, let me take you the best food market your eyes will see! I will teach you the best!" the warmth from his hoodie caused shivers down my spine. See how imagined Jaebum would was nothing like he was. I guess maybe my expectations are not very high after all.

Jungkook's POV

Well... I eventually got her in the car. I also got her to shut up. I really should've just been patient because her glares are burning right through my skull and I'm slightly scared. I pulled up to the brightly lit amusemnt park and her face started to brighten up again.

"OH... my... hold on, you kidnapped me, forced me into the car and almost killed me from covering my mouth the whole car ride just for amusement park!"

"Yeah... it wasn't the greatest way to bring you out with me again!"

"Jungkook... DO YOU KNOW WHAT ASKING IS!? A simple, hmmm I don't know... Hope would you like to go out to an amusement park with me? Easy!" she raised her voice slightly, I just covered her mouth with my index finger.

"Can we please just go and have fun?"

"Fine... we are here anyways" she rolled her eyes stepped out of the car.

Hope's POV

This was one of the best days. I couldn't stop jumping up and down every time we finished the roller coasters. Jungkook seemed really happy as well, I was glad we had the same energy.

"Hope do you want to grab something to eat? I'm STARVING!" he rubbed his stomach. Aw, he was so cute when he pouts... dammit.

"Mmm yeah!"

We got some hot dogs and them to a small little table. There were sounds of people screaming on rides, the speakers was playing all kinds of Korean music and there was just a slight breeze underneath the little umbrella table we sat in. I looked over at Jungkook who was scoffing down the massive hotdog.

It just seemed the longer I spent with him, the more I got nervous, I would start to feel my cheeks going red and my heart would keep beating faster. I don't want to fall in love with him, not now. I find it so difficult to be so close with him, when I know I do really like him. I guess not A BIG AMOUNT... but there still a spark there that's slowly growing.

"What are you staring at?" Not realising that he was staring right at me, I quickly continued eating my hot dog, covering my bright red face.

"So...cute when you blush, mmm" he pinches my cheek with his soft gentle hands. Shit he makes me want to cry.

Quickly finish my last mouthfull, we begun to walk towards the last ride for the night. Cliché as it sounds, it was the ferriswheel. The line wasn't long thankfully so we got in straight away. Immediately there was slight awkwardness that filled the carriage. Manage to get a grip of yourself Hope, don't stuff this anymore.

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