55: Soft-Hearted Oliver

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As Oliver continued to sing his alluring notes, Liam, Lea and Seth who were purely humans felt their chest enlightened. Unbeknownst to them, they were wearing an unusual smile on each of their face. Of course it was better not to let them know.

"Ku hu hu... HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

Ingrid's laugh, however, awoke Lea's consciousness, erasing her previously serene expression. "What?" She thought, clueless.

"N-n-n-nothing! Ku-hmpbt--"

"Are you dying...?" Thought Lea amused.

"..........Sorry to burst your bubble. Hmpmh!"

To Ingrid's response, Lea shrugged her shoulders. She looked to her side and saw Seth's serene expression and her ruby eyes widened. ".................." 

"You just thought he was CUTE!! jsahufhasflsna uahfasdhfl"

"................" Then Lea looked to her other side, only to see Liam had on a similar expression. With a frown, she had pieced the reason why Ingrid laughed. She closed her eyes and sighed. 

"Hahahaha... You are really too quick-witted. I give up. I can't keep anything from you."

Lea nodded her head in assent and focused her attention to what was in front of her, Oliver was still singing to the lizards. Their conversation still ongoing, Lea decided to simply continue observing the surroundings. She could feel the flow of Oliver's essences surrounding the Lizards, prying their consciousness gently and meticulously. 

"A gentleman through and through huh, is what you are thinking.. hm~~"

"................" She was starting to get irritated with Ingrid revelations concerning her thoughts. She didn't want anyone pointing her useless thoughts out.

"I understand. I understand~ I feel bad for these pretty boys with your rigid heart.
"I hope one of them succeeds in melting your defenses~ Hahaha Hu hu hu!"

Lea's attention was suddenly stolen by the fox on her shoulder. It was patting her cheeks with its paws, which made her turn her head to its direction only to be licked once again. She ruffled its fur as her mind drifted off somewhere.

  ⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜ 

"Lea?" She heard Oliver called, and she batted her lashes a few times to the sudden realization.

"Sorry. How did it go?" 

Oliver stroked Lea's little head with a smile, and replied. "It seems they were from a village between Sabio and Chlad, but they were all kidnapped by several skilled people one day. When they woke up once again, they were outside Chlad.

"According to them, it was chaotic in Chlad---"

"What?" Lea's brows furrowed deeply, startling Oliver and Seth.

With respect, Oliver patted Lea's head to calm her down and she immediately complied, never breaking her gaze on Oliver. 

"Beasts, strong or much like these lizards alike were threatening the lives of Chlad's citizens. There were so much chaos that these four who still have their consciousness ran away towards the safer lands, which is in Mingzhe Dei territory.

"While I was prying for information, however, I noticed how their beastly instincts are slowly taking over their thought processes. It will not be long before they turn into mindless beasts."

Lea pondered Oliver's words and looked on towards the pitiful lizards on the side. ".............."

"If not Mingzhe Dei, and Chlad is currently the victim, the likely culprit left in all this is Sabio." Seth determined, which received a nod from Lea.

Her ruby eyes flashed a glint of worry and determination. "We leave immediately. Oliver, prepare your battalions for what is to come. I'll be sure to reduce every beast in the vicinity as I travel to Chlad.

"They will never lay a hand on your nation."

Her voice cold and hard, Oliver felt his chest warm. "By your words, Lea. I'll protect my people properly. Just don't die out there." Replied Oliver despite his urge to assist Lea personally. He turned to Seth and met his ruby eyes. "You should come with Lea. Guard her properly. If you need anyone to take care of your assassins, leave it to me. I'm the Emperor after all."

He was determined to do whatever he can to lessen Lea's burden that he did not care if he had to govern two different worlds. With a brief silence, Seth nodded in assent.

"Kamil." Upon his words, a man suddenly appeared from the shadows. "Yes, Master."

"Follow the Emperor of Mingzhe Dei. Treat him with loyalty and trust as you would with me. Until I come back, I trust you will do your utmost to protect the city." Announced by Seth in his most commanding tone to which Kamil replied with a respectful bow. "Understood."

After Lea asked him to protect the city, Seth had done everything he could to destroy sneaky and vile individuals who tried to chip away the city's defenses. It was already part of his lifelong obligations.

"Oliver, for now, it's a truce. And... you have my thanks." Seth said, his crimson eyes serious.

To his words, Oliver gave a curt nod in understanding. "Just watch out for her..."

"Of course. Every second." Although his words seemed light, his tone was heavy. He meant what he said.

Liam could only watch on silently as two big shots came to a temporary understanding. One was an Emperor of a nation, while the other, a master assassin. He wondered what kind of things Lea had to do to achieve their utmost attention.

One was saved from a certain death, while the other was threatened with death. Of course the rest was left to Lea's indifference. 

With one last goodbye, Lea and co. walked away from Mingzhe Dei. The four lizards behind them. Lea had to wonder how to prevent the lizards from becoming mindless beasts, but she was sure that she wouldn't let any dangerous beast get close to Mingzhe Dei, she pledged to herself.

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