5. Best day ever!!

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Damon bought me a red Ferrari. I was almost at the station. Damon is a good brother. He knows what kind of cars i like XD. I walk out of my car. U know guys Danny has a crush on me. He is sweet. One time we almost kissed :)  I open the door and walk in

" Hey, guys" I smile

Danny was the first one to smile at me. Always when he smiles at me he looks like a kid on Christmas eve.

" Hey beautiful" Danny walks to me and hugs me.

I kiss his cheek

" Hey handsome" I say back

Danny laughs

" CECE!" Zoey screams happily

" Hey girl" I smile at her

She hugs me

"Let's do this !" I say

They nod

" Wait! What song?" Zoey asks me. My face goes blank

" U Don't know!?" Zoey screams

I snap fingers.

" I know!" I scream happily

" Tell me!" Zoey

" Watch Me by Margaret Duarante" I say

" Let's go! " Zoey

I nod

" U sing" Zoey says

" U have to sing to" I say to Zoey

She nods. I take my phone and send a text.

To Stef and Day

Guys but channel 6 on! NOW! you will see Me and two of my friends. Go! Hurry! Wish me luck!

Love Kathy Bear

I send the texts and get ready...

*****Stefan's POV*****

It was a weird text from her but we did like she told us. Then she came on screen dancing and singing! Holy crap she is good!

" She is good, don't u think brother?" Damon asks eyes glued on her.

" Yes very" I agree

We watch how she dance and sang.

*****Kathy's POV******

We stop dancing.

"  And guys, if u want to see us live come and visit at the station" I say't to the camera.

" And cut!" The director yell't

" Guys i have to go. Talk to u later!" Zoey waved and ran out.

" Cece i wanna tell u something" Danny sat

He takes my hand and we walk out. Oh i forgot to tell u guys! Danny and Zoey are also vampires.

" Okay. I..." Danny looks in my eyes, struggling. I know what he want's to tell so, i lean in and kiss Danny. He smiles and kisses me back.

" So u feel the same way?" Danny asks

I smile and nod. He kisses me again. We kiss there about 30 minutes. Then dun dun dunn. Damon and Stefan.

" What the hell?!" Damon yells

" Don't be scared of them" I whisper to Danny. He laughs.

" Don't worry" Danny says amused and then we bull away.

" Hey guys" I say casually at Day and Stef

" Who is this?" Day glares at  Danny

" Danny meat My brothers Damon and Stefan. Guys meet Danny." I say

" Hi" Danny says and wraps his hands around my waist

Damon looks like he is about kill Danny.

" Damon Salvatore if u hurt Danny i will kill u" I say at Damon. Damon glares.

" Fine" Damon murmured

" I'l go to Danny's today" I say to them

" I'l keep on eye on Damon. Don't do anything stupid" Stefan says

" Kay" I say. They walk away

" Danny" I say happily and turn to face him.

" Yes beautiful?" Danny asks and smiles

I put my hands around his neck.

" Is it alright that i'l come at ur place?" I ask him

" Yes. We will have so much fun" Danny smiles.

We walk over to my car and drive to Danny's place. It took only 5 minutes.

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