62: Private meeting with a Prince

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In front of a huge campus known to be Sabio University stood Ulla's lovely form. She had her hair on a ponytail, and she was wearing a simple dress native to Sabio's latest fashion.

Kiel specially spent some gold into making Ulla presentable. If his guess was right, Ulyssis Tigres is one of the Felicity Domain's princes. And using their influence, Eden Kingdom would not be alone in their defense against Sabio or Drakon.

With a sigh, Ulla mustered herself for a business meeting with Ulyssis. "Well, here I go." As she said so, she approached the guard's shed and introduced herself, immediately sharing her purpose of visit. The guard recognized her name, letting Ulla enter without problems.

"He said to go into the greenhouse..." Holding a map in hand, Ulla navigated her way around the campus skillfully. With every student she passed by, they would look her way at least twice. Some even couldn't keep their eyes away from her. But she did not care.

"Ah. There it is." She increased her walking speed, and as she approached closer, the view within the greenhouse became increasingly apparent. The plants looked alive in her eyes. It has been a while for her to see such beautiful and healthy flowers and herbs. A smile so charming appeared on her face, her brown eyes glittered with delight. "Good choice."

With careful movements, she pulled the handle on the glassed door. As soon as she opened it wide enough, the fragrant smell of herbs immediately assaulted her nose. She felt relaxed almost instantly.

Upon closer inspection, a handsome man sat by a small round table beside a fountain was focused on his book. Ulla recognized him as Ulyssis Tigres. As she entered, she slowly closed the glassed door to avoid making a sound. Then she slowly walked her way towards his serene area, careful not to disturb him from his reading.

Ulla was now standing behind Ulyssis, but he still remained focused on his book oblivious to his surroundings. She found it quite amusing, and thus she tried peaking on the pages he was reading on. He was reading a fiction book from Ulla's guess. But she could not gather much as there were only 2 pages she was able to briefly read before Ulyssis noticed her.

A smile appeared on his face instantly at the sight of Ulla, and she gave her smile in return. "I've come to talk to you."

"Ah yes. Of course." Ulyssis stood up and pulled the chair opposite to his'. "Have a seat, please."

She found his manners quite likable. "Thank you." She said as she sat herself to the offered chair. Then Ulyssis moved to sit on his previous chair, facing Ulla squarely.

"My apologies for noticing you so late."

"Oh please, don't be. I was quite proud you noticed me so late." She humored, which caused Ulyssis to chuckle.

"Are you training to be an assassin on me?" 

"If I could be so skilled simply by learning to sneak behind you? Why not?"

He chuckled once more, leaving Ulla to smile at herself as well. 

"Once again, Ulyssis Tigres." Introduced Ulyssis as he reached out his hand for Ulla.

Ulla took his hand and shook it, "Ulla Fernandez."

"What services could I offer you today, Lady Ulla?" He queried gently, his voice polite. "Ah, let me serve you a cup of tea first." And as he said so, he elegantly stood up to move to a silver tray cart with teacups, a teapot and a container for hot water. There was a container for tea herbs as well, a tea spoon, sugar cubes and milk. 

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