S4: Lonely Bright

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Once again left alone in a room of an apartment they started renting since a couple of months back, Bright laid himself on the floor. His mind was somewhere very distant.


"Oh come on, man. Seriously?"

"Yea, serious, serious!" Replied Bright cheerfully to his friend. Then all of the sudden, a chalk flew to his direction, hitting him squarely on his eye. "Ouch! Ahhh!!"

"You are still in class, Bright! Would you care and pay me attention too??" 

"Come on, teach... I'm innocent here! I was just responding to a question. Isn't that appropriate??"

"Try to restrain yourselves. If you really weren't just playing around, answer this question on the board." Her tone cold and demanding, she brought everyone's attention on Bright.

Some of his classmates started whispering to one another. Their expressions indicated that the problem posed on the board was not something anyone can just answer. But a few of his classmates were indifferent as they seemed to know the right formula to solve the equation.

[Simply 3x^2 - 8x + 7 + 2x^3 -x^2 + 8x - 3]

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his seatmate picking up her fallen school materials. He immediately acted like any normal kind citizen of their society and helped her down for a moment. Their instructor did not mind the slight distraction but she remained waiting for Bright's answer.

Unbeknownst to everyone but Bright, his seatmate handed him a small crumpled paper. He was confused but before he could give the paper back to her, he noticed the whole equation to solving the problem on the board. Without anyone's notice, he slipped the paper in his pocket and smiled to his instructor who was eagerly waiting for him.

"Alright, alright, teach. Coming!"

Everyone was surprised by his enthusiasm. They expected him to answer at random, but after he finished writing his answer on the board, everyone's mouth gaped in surprise.

[2x^3 + 3x^2 - x^2 - 8x + 8x + 7 - 3]
[2x^3 + 2x^2 + 4]

"H-how?" He heard his instructor whisper.

Bright turned to her and smiled. "I studied it last night before I went to bed, teach!"

And with his words, the instructor left him be for the rest of the class.

Humming by himself, he turned his head to his seatmate.
"Why did you help me?" He whispered.

She responded with another note. The words written on the note was: "The class was looking towards here. I don't like it."

He was surprised for such a simple reason, but still was very delighted. With his smile still plastered on his face, he rested his head on his arms that was laid on his table. He stared at his seatmate's profile that went back to staring outside the window, looking rather at peace once again.


Closing his eyes to the world, Bright softly whispered, "....Where are you?" A tear slid down from his eyes.

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