09 | Snow

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"Hey, Snow!"

I look up on my way out and see Ren smiling at me in her whole rebel glory. She's sitting on a motorcycle, her hair freely falling down her back, her uniform switched for casual leather from head to toe.

I walk towards her and yell 'bye' to Belle, who ignores me and gets into the bus, and Ari, who waves me off and follows her inside.

"Isn't there a rule that the only means of transportation are-"

"Wanna ride with me?"

I need time to process the information. A sexy girl I have a crush on is asking me, to ride with her?

'Uh s-sure, yeah,' I hiccup, my face flaming with embarassment. Jesus, I'm such a mess.

She smiles victoriously and makes place for me to sit behind her, on the side because I still have a skirt, and gives me a helmet with which I feel like an astronaut. But like I told Tate, safety's first on the list, no matter how stuck-up it sounds.

'Ready? Here we go.'

She switches her leg backwards to put back the leg of the motorcycle, and we are suddenly moving like a bullet, passing the big yellow bus and dobermans on the entrance.

Ren laughs estatically when I quickly grab her around the waist. My cheeks burn from embarassment and I curse my hormones for getting wild at a simple touch.

She's driving through the traffic like a pro. We zoom past the harbour, make a circle around the center and continue towards the suburbs, passing my place and stopping at a building area with abandoned machines.

'This skyscreaper was supposed to be finished last year, but they didn't have enough money. C'mon, the view's great,' she urges me up the stairs, already setting a demanding tempo.

When we finally reach the top I'm sweating like a pig and panting like I did Tour de France by foot.

Ren hands me the can of juice and I gulp it down in one breath, plopping next to her on a blanket she packed, overwatching the city.

The skyscreaper is opened because they didn't make the balconies, and now it's perfect for letting your feet dangle high above the ground.

It's both thrilling and scary, watching it from such height. I've never been to an abandoned skyscreaper before. I like it how Liverpool seems to offer something new every day. Just yesterday I found this Jamaica Street with numerous venues and cool cafés.

Ren later told me it's a part of Baltic Triangle - an area with fast-growing businesses. It's becoming one of the most vibrant places in Liverpool. I know Ari would for sure love it. The problem's that she's always somewhere else, wandering through the city on her own.

Mostly drunk.

'Me and Becca come here when we wanna clear our heads. Alix and his gang found it and agreed to share it with us.'

I sat closer to her, but so she doesn't notice it.

'I like your school. It feels...fresh, and it's much cleaner than our last school. I can finally go to toilets without fear of passing away from the smell.'

She shares a laugh with me, fishing a McNugget from a Happy Meal we stopped to grab from McDonald's.

'Y'know, when I first met Becca, she was this scrawny kindergarten girl without a hair on her tongue. I was a shy girl who watched her business and didn't really crave for socialising with other kids.

One day, her parents came to pick her up. They were fighting so loud we could hear everything they were saying. I remember Becca standing there, without a tear in her eye, and waiting for them to stop. They didn't. And they didn't realise their kid was listening to their every word.

Triple is Better (ongoing; Editing)Where stories live. Discover now