15 | Snow

35 2 0

song : blow me one last kiss // glee version •

"Snow, wait."

"I think you have a class to get to."

"Snow c'mon, look at me."

"Thanks but I think I'll pass on that opportunity."

"Would you stop being an anorak for a second and talk to me?!" she yells exasperated, attracting curious looks as she follows me upstairs.

"No. You should go and talk to somebody who cares."

"But you don't even know what I'm going to say! So how can you judge me without listening to me first?" she asks pleadingly, piercing my heart once again.

Slowly, so she doesn't think I actually care, I turn back and look down at her, keeping the composed mask on.

"I know exactly what you're going to say. You never meant to hurt me and it was alcohol making you do things you wouldn't normally do.
You don't feel the same but you still want us to be friends because you care about me, just in a different way. One day I might find someone who'll like me as I like you now.
You're truly sorry for smashing my heart into million pieces but it was never your intention, Ren," I angrily get it out of my system, frowning at every sincere sentence that was supposed to make me feel better.

She's staring at me in shock, with parted lips and widened pupils.


"Spare me," I roll my eyes and hurry to Geography, barely making it before the bell.

During the class I completely focus on what the teach's saying which is hard considering I'm not a patient person. He goes on and on about the economy and political organisation in Europe, pointing at various pictures on his PowerPoint and not noticing that the half of his class is already asleep.

There's a poke in my back and when I turn in my chair I come face to face with a curly-haired girl who's sporting a smile as big as Cheshire cat's, complete with a pair of big blue eyes which look like they might pop if she widens 'em any more.


"Is it true that you and Renée Victor got into a fight over a guy?"

I scowl unpleasantly and she averts her eyes, her cheeks burning scarlet which is totes adorbs but not the thing I have to distract myself with right now.

"We most certainly didn't. Who did you hear that from?"

"Um well there's this site-"

"Ugh here too?" I groan, remembering the cafeteria fight incident back in Pennsylvania.

"Yeah so it's called HNAS, as in 'Hot New Academy Scoops', and its main editor is Caryn Hackford, the blonde who's besties with Bethany Fairfax. Well last night there was this post that said you and she got into a fight over some hot bloke at the party and that she got him which made you furious and you ran away. So I take it's not true?" she asks with a pout, obviously looking forward to a good gossip. Well she's up for some disappointment.

" 'Course it isn't," I respond quickly and turn back to stare at the blackboard and count down minutes until it's over and I can happily dig into my lunch. There's only one thing I'm going to do before letting myself go crazy 'bout food.

Tell Ari about this.

"I can't believe it."

Triple is Better (ongoing; Editing)Where stories live. Discover now