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I've felt sick for days. Unable to move from the bed that I've made home. I feel as the second wave of nausea come again. It feels as if I was on a boat that was going through rocky waves. I rarely got up and those rare times were to go to the bathroom which was very often now. Hedwig now visits me more often, feeling that I'm sick and he needs to take care of me. I only had a few ideas on what was going on with me. I've had many people explain what happens to them and well now I know how it's feels. Just by getting up and walking somewhere I get out of breath. Almost feeling like I was going to pass out. My stomach churned as it growled again. I've been starving. Anything would be amazing right now. My back ached which made me want to roll over every five seconds.

Having a feeling that this is all happening because it would be nearing 'that time of the month' but something oddly strange is going on.

"Oh baby girl. You still look sick. Here maybe you're just hungry again. My you're getting thin," Barry giggles at the doorway.

"Here come on. I'll go and fix you something. You stay right there," he commands as he smiles and walks down the stairs. A few minutes later Barry returns with a sandwich. Although it wasn't Barry who was in the light anymore. It was Hedwig. He giggled as he entered the room.

"Barry had to go so he told me to be in charge. One day I'm going to be big. Even taller than you," Hedwig says proudly. He places the plate in front of me. I quickly eat the sandwich as Hedwig looks at me with such odd eyes.

"How'd you eat that so quickly? I thought you're sick? Et cetera?" Hedwig questions. I hesitate not wanting to tell Hedwig what I think is going on with me. But it all adds up. I've thought of it over and over and it always ends up in the same place. No matter what I think I know for a fact that I'm pregnant. I've tried hiding it from myself but I just know it's wrong to try deny it. It only gives me a better reason to escape from this place I've called home for many months.

"Hedwig, you might not understand this but. Im pregnant, with a child. And they too need to eat. So I'm eating for two," I say. The child's face goes to neutral to totally confused. Obviously Hedwig is innocent enough not to even understand what a pregnancy is.
"Okay? Do you want more food?" Hedwig offers trying to be nice. I shake my head. Before Hedwig  gets up to leave I ask him. "Do you think I could walk around a bit? I should get some exercise. I'll just be walking around the house." If I walk around I can walk out one of the doors to the outside world. Then I can find a town or someone who can help me.

"No, you can't today. Tomorrow you can. But you can't tell anyone," Hedwig whispers. I nod with a smile. Now I have time to make a game plan. Hedwig takes my plate and walks out the door. I slowly lay back down as I map out the house. I'll need to exit the front door so I'm sure that I'll be ahead if someone is chasing me. Then again I have the disadvantage of being out of breath easily. After a few hours of thinking I finally have a plan and a backup plan.

The next day Hedwig as promised lets me walk around the house. Although I have no idea where he has run off to. Not knowing if another personality will come into the light, stopping me from leaving. As I slowly walk closer to the front door my heart beats faster and faster. Just as I'm about to turn the door knob there's a sudden voice behind me.

"What are you doing," a stern voice asks behind me. It's Dennis. Probably the last person I need to hear from.

"I just wanted some fresh air," I say taking deep breath to catch my breath. "Step away from the door please," Dennis commands looking me in the eye.

I slide my hand around the door knob that is covered by my body. I quickly turn it opening the door. Revealing the evening sky. A gust of wind hits me as I open the door.

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