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Lauren sighed heavily as she made her way into the crowded cafeteria for lunch.

Spotting her usual seat, she saw her best friend already sat there, her head was down, her gaze concentrated fully on her phone that was in her hands.

"Hey Keeks." Lauren smiled as she approached the small brunette, sitting down on the opposite side of the table. She threw her bag down on the floor carelessly and ran a hand through her dark locks of hair.

Keana instantly raised her head from her phone, locking it, acknowledging her raven haired friend.

"Hey," she grinned genuinely, placing her elbows on the table and her head in the palm of her hands.

Lauren sighed, "today has been so weird." She shook her head as she remembered everything that had happened over the space of a few hours.

Keana raised her eyebrows, now intrigued. "Why laur? What happened?" She asked, growing slightly nervous.

Lauren didn't look sad though, she looked more confused than anything.

Lauren stared down at the table in silence for a few moments before her eyes trailed upwards and landed on her best friends sparkly brown ones.

"Kendall happened." She shrugged.

Keana instantly released a hard breath, her heart dropping for the raven haired girl. "Look Lauren. Whatever she said, you know it isn't true. You just have to ignor-"

"Wait, no Keana. That's not what I meant." Lauren smiled, appreciative of her friends concern. She reached across the table and squeezed the smaller girls hand thankfully. Keana interlocked their fingers momentarily, waiting for Lauren to continue.

"Well... Gigi started on me again. Nothing unusual," Lauren rolled her eyes, chuckling slightly whilst Keana smiled sadly. "But Kendall confronted Gigi and told her to stop. Gigi snapped and pushed Kendall into the lockers behind me. Anyway, Gigi dragged Cara along with her leaving Kendall and I together and Kendall actually asked me if I was okay."

Keana narrowed her eyes suspiciously, breaking her hand apart from Lauren's.

The taller girl noticed this and couldn't help but laugh.

"No but really Keeks. I think she was being genuine." Lauren nodded, showing Keana that she seriously meant it.

The brunette girl seemed to be thinking quite hard until something behind Lauren caught her attention, causing her eyes to widen and lips part slightly.

"Laur," Keana spoke quietly as Lauren noticed the other girls diverted attention, "I think you're right."

Lauren turned around and her emerald eyes met the familiar face of the brunette who had been influencing their conversation. Kendall Jenner.

She was alone. Standing at the cafeteria entrance, holding her dinner tray in her hands. She looked sad, vulnerable. Vulnerable without her little squad of two other members.

Her eyes were flicking in every direction, looking at all of the other students who had suddenly become silent and were staring at her, equally as shocked. She was probably looking for somewhere to sit...

Instead, everyone turned their back on her.

Lauren gulped, a sharp pain travelling down her throat as she watched the girl walk slowly and sit down at an empty table on her own. She kept her head down, avoiding all confrontation.

"I never thought I'd say this but I kinda feel bad for her." Lauren turned back around. Her heart honestly felt for the other girl.

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