Chapter 19

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>Your POV<

A car aggressive pulled up and the tires screeched as the driver parked the car.

The door flew open to reveal a very angry Yoongi. Of course when Yoongi is angry he still looked like a smol bean.

I smiled, on the inside, when I saw Yoongi run towards me.

The young boys grip tightened around my waist as he whispered, "I-I'm so sorry..." he put a knife up against my neck.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I looked down at the sharp blade that was against my skin.

I began shaking and my palms were sweating. Yoongi looked at me and the boy and stopped in his tracks.

"Do-don't come any closer!" Said the young boy. It sounded like he wasn't as confident as he thought he was.

Yoongi did as the boy said and took a step back with his hand were up in surrender. "Jungkookie, nice to see you again." Yoongi said, casually, with a smirk.

"Hyung I-" the boy named Jungkook looked down like he was disappointed in himself.

His grip loosened around my waist. I tried to slowly, wiggle out but he held on tighter, "If you have any weapons I ask you to drop them," Jungkook held the blade closer to my flesh.

Yoongi nodded and emptied out his pockets. He didn't have any weapons, only his wallet and phone. "Kookie-ah, you've improved lots." Yoongi gave Jungkook a smile.

I didn't know what was going on between the two but I was too scared to even speak so I stayed quiet.

Jungkook nodded, "I got trained by you anyway."

Yoongi took a step closer without Jungkook noticing, "Why are you doing this?" Yoongi asked.

A tear ran down Jungkooks cheek, "Namjoon hyung said to do it."

Yoongi stepped closer, "Let Y/N-ah go..." Yoongi stayed low as he spoke to Jungkook in a calm manner.

Jungkooks eyes changed from sadness to pure craziness, "I told you," the blade cut into my skin and blood dripped onto the ground, "NOT TO COME CLOSER!" He cut my neck, a thin slash, about three inches long.

Yoongi screamed and tackled Jungkook to the ground. Jungkooks knife dropped and Yoongi pinned both of Jungkooks hands on the ground and he punched Jungkook.

I crawled a little far from then and held my neck. He didn't cut too deep so it shouldn't really hurt me as much. It just was bleeding so much.

My eye sight began to get blurry and the last words I heard was, "YOU WILL DIE MIN YOONGI!" Then everything went blank.
A/N: no one died........ yet. Calm yourself xD

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