When the Dam Breaks

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Ahhh, we have hit over 20 thousand reads, 2K votes and almost 1K comments. I'm so freaking excited I decided to reward everyone with a super long chapter two days early!!!! Actually, that's a lie. I just really really wanted to post this chapter. So much is going on and there was no good place to stop. That and I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer. Nope that's not entirely true either. I just couldn't wait any longer. Its me. This whole posting a 5 thousand word chapter two days before schedule is me. It's all due to my complete lack of will power. I'm sad and weak. No self discipline at all but I digress. Enough about me and my sorry excuse for a spine.

Happy Reading.



            I woke up under the covers of the bed inside the bunker. In my sleep I'd rolled to my side almost on my stomach with my face burrowed into the pillow. It was usually how I slept so I didn't smell him at first. It wasn't until I felt the bed shift that I lifted my head.

            Bash was sitting on the side of the bed, watching me. "Hello, sleepyhead."

            Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I yawned. Zeek was gone and the vault door was wide open. "What time is it?"

            "A little after six."

            "In the morning?" My voiced pitched from sleep.

            He chuckled. "Yes, you've only been asleep for a few hours. The rest of the pack arrived and I've briefed everyone. There's a big breakfast being prepared but I thought you'd like to get out of here now that it's clear."

            "Did you catch him?" I sat up pulling my legs to pretzel them with my feet tucked under.

            "No, but he's no longer on pack lands." He wasn't pleased but didn't let it taint his tone. "Conner followed his trail from the back of the pack house and off the property. He must have had a truck waiting on a service road near our borders. They could smell diesel fuel. The Phoenix pack didn't have anything that ran on diesel so it's probably stolen. Mark is a police officer in Grand Junction a few hours from here. He's using his resources to track that down but it won't lead to much. Michael's got the border on lock down, so if Bradley comes near pack lands again we'll know."

            Bash hesitated watching my face, reading my expressions. That whole -how is Parker going to react to what I'm about to say- hesitation. "I've also notified the other Alpha's in North America of the situation. Some friends are sending reinforcements. They should be here no later than tomorrow. A few specialists are flying in. The pack house and surrounding cabins are going to be full to bursting. Laurel's got her medical team staying with her so her place is packed. They're moving Jake here later this morning."

            "Ok. I can grab my things from Laurel's and move in here. That way she can have the extra room."

"No. You're not coming back to this room. Ever. I'm sorry. I never should have put you in here but it was the only place that I knew would keep you safe. I wasn't thinking." There was a long pause that made me think he was nervous. "I'd like you to stay in my cabin with me. Large numbers can create more security risks than smaller groups. It would be easier to keep you safe there. Alek has a team going over protocols for securing my place."

            It sounded like a lot of good excuses to justify me staying with him. They were reasonable and it made sense but I couldn't help thinking he'd come up with all of those points after he decided he wanted me to stay in his cabin.

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