The snake

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I love how people want to kill Miss Atama. 😂 Makes me laugh.
Here's chapter 3.

Ezra sighed with relief as he began to finish the attic. It had taken him what felt like forever to finish it and now it was nearly done.
He bent down to pick up some fallen books from a broken shelf when he felt a sharp nip on his hand.
With a yelp, Ezra stumbled backwards.
Quickly glancing at the back of his hand, he saw a small red mark.
Looking up at the books again, he stood slowly.
Taking the broom in hand, he crept forward. Carefully, he reached the broom out to where the books were and knocked them over to see....
A small green snake.
Ezra stared at it with surprise.
He had thought it was a rat!
The reptile looked up at the boy for a while before giving a soft hiss.
Ezra put the broom aside and crouched in front of the reptile.

"Where's your family little one?" He asked softly.

"Dead" the snake hissed.

Ezra did a double take.

"Can you understand me?" He asked it.

"Yesssss" the snake replied.

"Sorry it's just. I've never talked to a snake before" Ezra told it.

"Do you talk to people often?"

The reptile shook its head.

"What do you mean your family is dead?" He asked it.

"They were killed by an eagle. I'vvveee been alone for yearssss."

"Than I guess we have something in common" Ezra told it.

The snake smiled.

"Your family wassss killed too?" It hissed.

"Well, only my parents. I've got my sister" he told the reptile.

The snake nodded.

The door banged open and Miss Atama came striding in.
Ezra jumped to his feet, making sure she couldn't see the serpent.
But the snake had disappeared.

"What are you doing in here Bridger? You were talking to someone" she spat.

"Well I'm all alone up here miss. Who else am I supposed to talk to except myself?" Ezra asked innocently.

Miss Atama glared at him.

"I take it you've finished here than? If you're talking to yourself?"

"Nearly miss. I just need to clear up the books" Ezra replied.

"Just as abnormal as your parents" Miss Atama said suddenly.

"They too were always strange."

Ezra clenched his fists.

'Don't do it again' he told himself.

'Don't do it again or you'll be punished again.'

"You look and act remarkably like your parents Bridger" Miss Atama continued.

"They too were just as arrogant and horrid like you and Sab..."

"Shut up" Ezra whispered.

Miss Atama froze.

"What did you say to me boy?" She asked.

"I told you to shut up" Ezra said looking straight into the woman's cold pupils.

As soon as he said that, the snake came flying from nowhere and slithered up Miss Atama's arm.
The headmistress shrieked.

"Oh! There it went" Ezra said faking a tone of surprise.

"I was wondering where it had got to. I saw him a few minutes ago."

"Do something Bridger!" Miss Atama screamed swatting at the snake.

"Be careful Miss Atama" Ezra said trying his hardest not to smile or laugh as the snake went down her back.

"I'm sure it's venomous."

Miss Atama finally managed to get the snake off and she was out of the room like lightning.

Ezra burst out laughing as the snake slithered up to him.

"Great work little guy" he smiled patting its head.
Then he remembered how the snake bit him before.

"You aren't venomous are you?" He asked. 

"No. Not poisonesssss" the snake told him.

"I owe you one" Ezra said.

"Do not let it concern you Bridger. That old hag desssserved it. She was provoking your parentsssss was she not?"

"Yeah she was" Ezra agreed.

"You were very brave to sssstand up to her" the snake said.

"Thanks. I need to go now though. I need to start making lunch with my sister."

"I will see you around Bridger. Goodbye."

The snake disappeared into the darkness and Ezra went down the stairs.

Still wondering how he could understand the snake.

Guess what I've made Ezra!! Suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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