Chapter nine: Battling my heart

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Chapter nine:

Battling my heart

An entire group of imperial guards stood in front of us. Right in front of us was Prince Ali. He smiled like the devil would. “Shit,” Talon said. I was thinking the same thing. “Why do you leave so soon my friends?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. “Listen we are very thankful for your hospitality but we are leaving for Cape Verda in Liberia for trading. You understand?” My father lied. I knew we were going to Cape Verda, but not for the reason my father lied about. “I understand. I understand you are lying through your teeth. The only reason you are leaving is because this one told you she doesn’t want to marry me,” He said pointing to me.

“You would have that right mate, but we need to leave,” Jacoby cut in. The prince smiled and slowly shook his head. He said something in Moroccan and nodded to me. The guards pulled guns on the crew. Then I was yanked off Cassia and my hands held behind my back. “Guards escort these men to their ship. As for her take her to her chambers,” The prince ordered. They dragged me inside. I struggled as hard as I could as I saw them leave. They threw me inside and shut the door and locked it. I banged on the door but it was useless. I know them. They are not just going to leave me here. I thought. I decided to get some sleep and think of something tomorrow.

I awoke the next morning early. I could hear roosters crowing and pigs squealing. I paced my room all morning. Suddenly the door swung open and two huge imperial guards grabbed my arms and dragged me away. They dragged me to a room with two couches. On one sat Prince Ali and the other Talon and Father. I lunged toward them but the guards cut their hands in front of me and held me back. Talon and father looked at me. I could tell in their eyes they weren’t leaving here without me. Ali stood up and walked over to me. He stroked my cheek. I turned my head and bit at him. He jerked his hand away. “Bit of a cobra aren’t you? So you are willing to pay any price in gold for her?” The prince said sitting down again.

“Yes sir,” Father answered. “Ha! Fool there is no gem or gold piece that will force me to give up this one,” He laughed.
“Love and marriage are sacred. The only way I would give her up is if she belonged to someone else,” “You know I’m glad you said that. You see this young man and her and engaged and I am to marry them in Cape Verda,” Father smiled. “That’s why she wanted to leave. She was very flattered you took a fancy to her, but her heart belongs to me. She was worried that you would force her to stay,” Talon added. The prince looked at me and then Talon then back at me. Talon gave me a charming smile. I smiled back. We tried and succeed looking like love struck couple.

The prince thought for a minute. He bit his lip. Then he sighed. “I guess since you two are engaged that I must honor my words and commitment not to interfere with love. Guards release her,” The prince said. The let me go. I ran to Talon and hugged him. “Kiss me he’ll buy it,” I whispered in his ear. I pulled away and we kissed. I got a shiver. The taste of his lips was sweet. His lips were soft. I pulled back. He held me in his arms. The prince apologized for what happened and gave the lucky couple three sacks of gems, gold, and other things. We gratefully took it and rode for the ship.

We reached the ship and all the men smiled and laughed. I shrugged and smiled at them all. They all thought I was going to stay with the prince. “So did you and the prince have a good night lass?” Jacoby laughed. “Well about as well as you and that dancer. Only one of us was in love,” I teased. The crew roared with laughter. Jacoby turned red as a burning ember. Father patted him on the back and offered all of us a drink. The crew walked off. I laughed. Someone coughed behind me. I turned around and saw Talon. “So I guess we are having a wedding in a day or two?” He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. We had a night of drinking. Jacoby got over the dancer and said in Cape Verde he would definitely get lucky.

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