chp. 5

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Megan's pov:

Cayla and I got our coffees, hugging each other, before going our separate ways to class. I walked into the building that had my first class, walking in and sitting down in a seat close to the front.

Joe's pov:

I put my slides on, my sisters grabbing their stuff, before we all went and got into my car. I pulled out of the driveway, driving to the high school to drop my sisters off. After dropping them off, I went to the bakery that my friend Cameron worked at. I walked in, going to the counter.

"What's up Cameron?" I asked him, ordering afterwards.

Taylor's pov:

I was sitting down at a table, eating my banana bread muffin, when the guy who lived across the street walked in. I heard a name come out of the guys mouth. He sat down at the table next to me, leaning over to tell me not to try to get the guy whose name I found out was Cameron, because he had a girlfriend.

*back in the dorms*

Cayla's pov:

It was only the first day of school, and I already had homework. I got a text from Alex, asking me if I wanted to hang out.

Ethan's pov:

I was currently at home, watching my kids, because Luna was at school. I could tell this morning when she woke up, that she was tired. You get really tired when you have to deal with 2 kids, crying at 3 in the morning. I put my kids into their cribs, putting their pacifiers in.

Luna's pov:

I was currently sitting in class, drifting off to sleep, because I had been up all night with 2 screaming kids. My teachers all gave me paperwork, that I had to get my mom to sign for me. I put my papers in my folder, and the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. I walked out of the classroom, going to my locker to call Ethan.

E: Hey babe, what's up?

L: I keep falling asleep in my class. I also have so many papers to sign tonight.

E: I could tell that you were tired this morning. How about when you get home, I go and get you a coffee.

L: A cotton candy frappuccino?

E: of course.


Megan's pov;

Cayla and I were currently walking to the local starbucks to go meet up with Joe to plan our wedding. We had beat him there, because he had to pick up his younger sisters from school. We walked inside, getting our coffees, going to a table to wait for Joe. Joe walked in a couple of minutes later, ordering his green tea. Once he got it, he came over, sitting down next to me.

We look through wedding magazines, picking and choosing things that we liked and didn't like. Cayla and I decided that tomorrow morning we would go try on wedding dresses, and Joe and I made plans to go meet up with Mackenzie to go try cakes.

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