#110 House Cleaning

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Niall: You sweep harshly on the floor while Niall mops it. After you sweep, he mops. "Do we really have to do this Y/N?!" Niall says to you. You nod and continue cleaning. "Why?!" he whines again. You look at him, "Because we agreed last week to clean on this day." you tell him. He sighs and starts mopping again. "Oh Niall, can you get me a bottle of water?" you ask him.He grins and runs off, "Okay!", but he doesn't come back. You go and check on him, to see him eating in the kitchen. He sees you then gives a nervous chuckle. "Niall!" you say and run grabbing the bag if chips away from him. But he puts it high and you jump trying to reach it. "Come on babe, you can make it!" Niall cheers even though he's the one holding it up. You stop and grab a water bottle yourself. "No fun for you tonight!" you say. You could hear Niall whine, "But I want fun tonight!"

Harry: You and Harry are cleaning the living room and you can see how quick Harry's cleaning. You organize the magazines and books for the past ten minutes, Harry already finished doing five things. "Done!" Harry says happily. "I'm not. . ." you mumble stacking the magazines on the coffee table neatly. Harry moves beside you and puts the books away faster than you would ever. "You're so slow Y/N." he says to you grinning. "No, you're just fast. Wait, never mind forget what I said!" you say after realizing how dumb that sounded. Harry laughs but then smiles at you. "Now off to the kitchen!" he says running. "Hey wait!" you say running behind him.

Liam: "This goes here. . ." you mumble and stuff the papers into a folder. "This goes here~" Liam repeats but in a singing tone. "Then this one goes over there." you say. You walk over to the book shelf and place a couple of books in. Liam does it again, repeats but in a musical way. You look at him a bit annoyed. Liam looks away and starts cleaning smirking. "Hey love, where does this go?" Liam asks you. "Hey love, where does this go?" you sing. "Ha ha very funny, now where does this go?" you repeat him. You could see the annoyance on his face this time. Next thing you know, you're no longer cleaning but singing, both of you two.

Zayn: You walk around the room picking up the plates, cups, and all the utensils that you could find. You grab them all and go into the kitchen. Zayn is humming to his own song as you place the utensils by the sink. "More for you babe." you say and kiss his cheek leaving to find anymore. Yesterday, you guys held a party, which turned out fun until right now where you have to clean up yesterday's mess. You return with more dishes and you can see Zayn is done with the ones you left before. "Ugh more!" Zayn groans and turns back on the water. You giggle, "Oh I'll help you!", you roll up your sleeves and squeeze some soap on a sponge. "Hey Y/N look!" Zayn says to you. You look at him, to see him blowing bubbles out of his hand. You smile and try to do it yourself. "I made a huge one!" you tell him excitedly. "That's what she said. . ." you hear Zayn mumble smirking. You nudge him with your elbow, "Oh shut up Zayn!", he looks at you then laughs. "Fine, I'll say that for tonight."

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