Chapter 9

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As the door opened I was holding my breath , it could be anyone coming through the door right now .

" YOU! what are YOU doing in here ?? "

okay wow I should have guessed it woulda been that girl , of course she wouldn't just wait patiently outside .

I quickly snapped back "Well I was invited to come inside , why are you in here ?"

"I am in here because I came to see what was going on , and why Luke wasn't outside talking to me  but now I see your the one wasting his and my time , maybe you should just take a HINT and leave now before you embarrass yourself even more"

-BANG- the door to the bunks flew open and Luke came busting out and rushed right over to stand beside me

" Why are you being rude to this girl !!?" Luke said while putting his arm around me

ohhh my goosshhh Luke Bryan LUKE BRYAN just put his arm around me and I can feel him giving me a squeeze ahhhh

"well uhh well umm "

" yeah exactly , there is NO REASON to treat her like that she has done nothing against you , you wanna know something ? I know you probly don't care but me and Carter was going to revoke your club membership and being able to go to any of my events for a year but this young lady told us not to , she showed kindness when all you have shown her is the ground and rude words !! "

Luke gave me one big squeeze and then slid his hand down my back and shot me one of those pearly white smiles  before walking over to the door

"I think its time you leave before you say something else you'll regret " Luke said while holding the door open for the girl

Luke walked over to me after shutting the door and looked me straight in the eyes real quick before grabbing me into a big hug . wow that was sooo sweet of him , he really does truly care about his fans and protecting them .

Luke let go and looked at me and said " you alright darlin'?"

still smiling from that amazing hug , I said " Yes its all okay now "

"That's what i wanna hear ! Alright now do you wanna hear  what me and Carter went into the bunk room to talk about?!?"

oh my goodness im dying to know what they wanna talk to me about !! im starting to shake just thinking of what it could be !

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