Scene 6 The Sacrifice

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The spring and its pool sparkle in the dappled moonlight. Hamish and Brigid enter the glade, supporting the drowsy Lachlan between them. 

BRIGID: We shouldn't have brought him. 

HAMISH: If one of our mothers found him like this- 

BRIGID: And if they wake up and find us all gone? 

HAMISH: At least we can all keep our story straight. I'll say I was... showing you the stars or something. 

They reach the pool and Lachlan lowers himself onto a rock by the pool. 

BRIGID: And what if he passes out again? 

LACHLAN: I didn't pass out, I just fell asleep and stop talking about me like I'm not here. 

Lachlan leans over the pool and cups his hands under the running water. He takes several draughts. 

BRIGID: Did you bring a coin? 

HAMISH: Where? In my pajamas? 

LACHLAN: What d'you need a coin for? 

BRIGID: Auntie Dee says you have to leave a gift when you take water. 


HAMISH (putting on a scary voice): If you don't, the Shadowkeeper will come for your soul! Mwaah Ha! Ha! Ha! 


HAMISH: It's just superstition. The water has healing minerals in it, that's all. Nothing's going to steal anyone's soul. 

BRIGID: How do you know? 

HAMISH: What? 

BRIGID: Have you ever taken water and not left a gift? 

HAMISH: but- 

BRIGID: Then how do you know? If the water really works, maybe the Shadowkeeper's real, too. (to Lachlan) Feeling better yet? 

LACHLAN: Yes, actually. 

Lachlan is looking much better. He stands up sturdily. 

LACHLAN: Wow. Much better. 

Brigid gives Hamish a meaningful look. 

HAMISH: Okay then. What about that necklace you're always playing with? 

BRIGID: What? No! Daddy gave me this! 

HAMISH: Well it's all we've got. 

Brigid bites her lip and grasps the pendant tightly. 

HAMISH: Either you believe or you don't. 

LACHLAN: We could come back in the morning with something.

HAMISH: Nope. Has to be when you take the water. Quick! What're you gonna do? 

BRIGID: Alright! 

She takes off the necklace and drops it into the pool. 

Hamish laughs and sets off back to the house. 

HAMISH: So gullible! 

Lachlan puts an arm around Brigid and gives her a squeeze. 

LACHLAN: I really feel much better. Thank you. 

Lachlan heads off after Hamish. Brigid considers the pool for a moment. She reaches a hand down toward her necklace which is glinting under the water, but she pulls her hand back, and follows the boys into the trees.

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