Scene 22 The Gatekeeper

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The rushing water subsides and Brigid finds herself kneeling in the tiny Green Chapel pool. Brigid whimpers, frustrated and climbs out. 

She wipes the rain from her eyes then, blinks and wipes them again. The trees of the woods below and around her have a slightly translucent, sparkling double image as in her grandfather's painting. 

BRIGID: The Shadow Realm? 

As they sway in the wind, the Shadow image of every branch and leaf moves slightly before the solid image, as though anticipating the wind. 

A RAVEN is sitting on one of the branches of the tree nearby. It, too, has a double image which moves slightly before its solid body moves. The bird twitches its head from side to side so that each eye gets a good look at her. 

Brigid reaches for her pendant for comfort and, finding it missing, turns back to the pool and gasps. Brigid's body is still kneeling in the tiny pool. Hesitant with fear, she approaches her limp, wet body. 

BRIGID: H-Hello? 

Her physical body gives no response. She leans in closer - the chest is expanding and contracting. Slowly, gingerly, she reaches out to the body. Her fingers dip into her shoulder as though it were not there at all. She yanks her hand back, terrified. 

She holds her hands out before her and sees that the body she now inhabits, though definitely her own, is also slightly translucent and glittering. She reaches out again and quickly sweeps her hand first one way, then the other through her body. 

Brigid is startled as the double-imaged Raven lands on a rock above the pool then hops across the rocks and onto her body's head. She flaps her ethereal hands at it. 

BRIGID: Hey! Get off! 

RAVEN: Why? You're not doing anything with it. 

The Raven's voice is as much a double image as its form: 

human words come from its Shadow-image as bird-song comes from its solid body. 

BRIGID: Wh- what do you want to do with it? 

RAVEN: Whoa ho ho! Didn't even look around for a human. Not even a 'did you just speak?'? 

A BLACKBIRD, similarly double-imaged and double-voiced, swoops from a Rowan tree growing by the pool. It has a large, wriggling spider in its talons. 

BLACKBIRD: All right! All right! I should know better than to play these games with you. 

Brigid winces as the smaller bird releases the spider to the Raven still sitting on her body's head. 

RAVEN: I do hope you're not suggesting I'd cheat. 

Brigid grimaces as the Raven catches the spider in its beak and slurps and crunches it down. The Blackbird lands on the rocks above the pool and settles its wings into place. 

BLACKBIRD: So? Who are you, then? 

BRIGID: Um, Brigid Taylor. 

The birds stare at her. 


BRIGID: 'And' what? 

The Blackbird twitters annoyed. 

BLACKBIRD: You must be SOMEONE - only royalty or a great Champion would have the cheek to piggy-back through on the Shadowkeeper like that. 

BRIGID: Um... I didn't ... I mean... I'm not anyone special. 

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