Scene 35 to 37 The Hunt Begins

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WARRIORS (blood curdling): CHAAAAAAAARGE!!!!! 

The horses gallop impossibly down the vertical cliff-face. 

BRIGID (terrified): AAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!! 

Brigid's face is a picture of terror. Night Sky hurtles toward the ground and Brigid risks a glance at the warriors around her driving their horses onward, seemingly without fear. 

Brigid pushes her feet hard into the stirrups and grips the reins tighter. The ground approaches at speed and Brigid closes her eyes. 


The horses take the 90 degree angle without breaking stride and continue their stampede along the ground. Brigid opens one eye and, finding herself alive, opens the other to look back at the rapidly receding cliff in awe. 

The 'HORN' sounds one more time calling Brigid's attention to the horizon. A seven-tined Stag stands on the crest of a far rise, his long neck stretched as he calls to the midday sun. 

The Stag turns suddenly and gallops away across the field. The horses break formation and Night Sky soon falls behind as the warriors urge their horses on toward the Stag. A group of six riders quickly pulls in front of the pack and slowly begin to gain on the Stag. 

Brigid shouts over the rumble of hooves. 

BRIGID: Okay Night Sky, the Lord of the Hunt's got to be the best hunter, right? So he's got to be one of those guys. Think you can get any closer? 

Night Sky WHINNIES and Brigid falls forward and clutches at the horse's neck as she picks up speed and works her way through the main pack of riders. Brigid starts to get the hang of riding and begins to enjoy herself as Night Sky quickly gains on the leading pack. 

BRIGID: Woo hooo! 

The six riders hear her whoop and turn and gape as they realize the tiny girl on the tiny horse is gaining on them. As one, the riders turn their backs again, stand in their stirrups and urge their horses on faster. 

BRIGID: Come on Night Sky, don't lose them! 

Night Sky SNORTS determinedly and picks up speed yet again, barreling toward the warriors. Brigid stands in the stirrups as though she has been riding all her life. 

At last Night Sky levels with the warriors, slipping in between two of the horses. Pleased with herself, Brigid grins at the woad-warrior to her right but is sobered by the fierce look of concentration on his face. Brigid takes his example and sets her sights on the Stag. 

As the Stag approaches the crest of the hill, he makes several quick, snaking movements. The large warriors on their large horses follow the Stag's movements and become briefly tangled with each other. 

The confusion is just enough for the light and nimble Night Sky to shoot out of the pack and get ahead. The Stag disappears over the crest of the hill, quickly followed by Night Sky. 

Brigid clings to the reins as NIGHT SKY takes the steep hill in her stride and gallops headlong down the field on the other side of the hill. 

The STAG is heading for the woods at the bottom of the hill. 

BRIGID: Night Sky, slow down! I don't want the Stag, I just want to see which rider's the Lord of the Hunt! 

Night Sky ignores her and continues gaining on the beast. Brigid looks behind her to see the other warriors only just coming over the hill. 

The Stag plunges into the forest with Night Sky close behind. 


Brigid clutches at NIGHT SKY's neck as the horse slaloms between the trees in pursuit of the Stag. 

BRIGID: Night Sky! I'm no hunter! We need to wait for The Lord of the Hunt! 

Night Sky continues to ignore her pleas, plunging on through the trees. Branches whip past at high speed and one catches Brigid's cheek, leaving another long, glistening slash. 

BRIGID: Night Sky! Slow down! Please! 

Night Sky comes to a sudden stop. 

BRIGID: Thank you. 

Night Sky moves again, slowly this time, and stops at the edge of a small clearing. Through the branches, Brigid can see the Stag standing calmly in the center of the clearing. Brigid turns in her saddle and searches the forest behind them. 

BRIGID: Maybe if we can point the Lord of the Hunt in the right direction, he'll talk to me. 

Night Sky bends her legs and tries to shrug Brigid off her back. Confused, Brigid climbs off and Night Sky nudges her hard in the back pushing her out into the clearing. 

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