Scene 52 and 53 Brigid and Bradan

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Brigid drops through the hole in mountain peak and plummets through a vast conical space: the mountain is hollow. 

Light ripples on the cave walls, reflections from the lake below. 

Around the edge of the pool, the tops of the branches of nine, ancient hazel trees poke from the water, green leaves growing on them despite the flood. 

BRIGID: Nonononononononononono 

Brigid fights the net but succeeds only in becoming more tangled. 

BRIGID: WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? 

Brigid continues her struggle and manages to get herself free of the net from the waist up. 

BRIGID: Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle... 

Tiny, scrappy feathers sprout around the shining scars on her arms but the shape won't stick. Brigid SPLASHES heavily and sinks into the pool. 


The waters close over Brigid. Glittering, sleeping Shadows, 'clothed' in sleep-wear from down the ages, float around her. Brigid shrinks from the dead-seeming souls above but bumps into more under her and finds the pool is a soup of sleeping Shadows. 

BRADAN (O.S.): They're sleeping, they can't hurt you. 

Brigid turns and is startled to see a large salmon. Despite the reassuring words, Brigid scrambles from him. 

BRADAN: And Shadows don't actually breathe so you can't drown. If you'll calm down I'll help you out of that net. 

She tries to blow into the water and a lack of bubbles confirms his story. Brigid nods and allows the fish to nudge her this way and that as he peels away the silver chains. 

BRIGID: Thank you. 

BRADAN: You're welcome. 

Brigid gapes at the souls floating around them. 

BRIGID: She's taken so many. 

BRADAN: So many have taken from her. 

Brigid grimaces. 

BRIGID: She took my brother, yesterday. He looks kind of like me but taller. Have you seen him? 

Bradan hesitates before answering. 

BRADAN: A young man a little older than you arrived recently. 

BRIGID: Really? 

BRADAN: If you hold my tail I'll take you to him. 

BRIGID: Oh! Oh thank you. 

The salmon turns in place and waggles his tail at her. Brigid grasps the tail gently and allows herself to be pulled along under the water. The salmon gently nudges his way through the mass of sparkling bodies. 

BRADAN: Here. 

Brigid lets go of the tail and swims the salmon's body-length to the Shadow floating ahead of him. 

The Shadow has its back to her but she knows, nevertheless: 

BRIGID: That's not Lachie, he's too tall... 

She turns the floating boy. 

BRIGID: Hamish! 

Brigid stares at his tranquil face, shaking her head in disbelief. 

BRIGID: I-I didn't know... I've only got two berries! 

A deep throb convulses the pool. 

Then another... and another and more, following more quickly till the whole pool is shaking violently. 

Brigid looks to the salmon for information. Bradan shakes his head and whispers sadly. 

BRADAN: I'm sorry. 

Grasping Hamish's Shadow by the wrist, Brigid swims to the surface. 

Frightened, the Salmon dives deeper.

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