Scene 54 The Keeper and her Shadows

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Breaking the surface of the pool, Brigid and the sleeping Hamish are met by a booming LAUGHTER echoing through the cavern, convulsing the water. 

The water level sinks as a great geyser rises from it and the Shadowkeeper shows her watery, hag face again. 

SHADOWKEEPER: Did you really think, after all that, that I would make it so EASY for you? 

Brigid and Hamish are rocked as a massive watery hand forms under them and lifts them from the water. 

SHADOWKEEPER: It's too, too sad! Carrying that stupid little twig with its two, two berries - ALL this way. 

A second hand forms and Brigid's eyes grow wide as a sleeping Lachlan is lifted from the water. 

BRIGID: Lachie! 

SHADOWKEEPER: All you had to do was ask for a third: Pretty please, Mr. Blackbird - may I have another? 

Brigid's little face collapses and the tears well again and fall down her cheeks. 

SHADOWKEEPER: So, Champion. Who are you going to choose? I don't think you care about Hamish enough to repay your debt in tears for him and I'd probably just have to come and take Lachie again. 

Brigid glances from Lachlan to Hamish then back at the Shadowkeeper's mocking visage. 

SHADOWKEEPER: My advice is leave Lachie here - you'll repay your debt faster. And, after all, it's all his fault - he was the one who betrayed you. 

BRIGID: This isn't his fault! They didn't mean for any of this to happen. They were just... being stupid. They don't deserve this. 

She looks down at the pool filled with twinkling Shadows. 

BRIGID: None of them deserved this! 

Brigid wipes viciously at her shining, tear-stained cheeks. 


Brigid sniffs, distracted by something on her palms. Shadow tears are smeared over the glistening wounds on her hands and Brigid stares as the wounds heal. Hope flashes over her face. 



BRIGID: I'm not choosing anyone. 

The Shadowkeeper lifts Brigid closer to her immense, watery face. 

SHADOWKEEPER: The greatest of warriors and wisest of magicians have faced me. I know a Champion when I see one and you are nothing but a crying child. A stubborn one, even a brave one but you are no Champion. CHOOSE!! 

She wipes her cheek again and passes her wet hand surreptitiously over her forearm. 

BRIGID: I am a Champion. 

Brigid tries not to smile as the wounds heal. She rubs her other arm and risks a glance up toward the hole in the cavern roof, muttering to herself. 

BRIGID: I am. 

SHADOWKEEPER: Really? Let's see what Hamish thinks, shall we? WAKE! 

Brigid snaps back to attention. 

BRIGID: What?! No! 

Hamish opens his eyes, blinking them slowly, then slamming them open. 

SHADOWKEEPER (low, slow, with relish): It's... not... a dream. 

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