Twenty Six

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Lol when you think the story is going to be comes Valentina with her snakey ass. 😎


Eliana's POV

"Peter, don't put that in your mouth," I chided, bringing him away from the soap bars that sat on the counter in the washroom.

"Ellie," he asked, as I carried him back to the bed, "are we going swimming in the lake?"

I nodded, "right after Harry is done his duties for the day, we'll go swimming okay?"

He nodded happily and began to hum to himself. I sat down next to him and began to run my hands through his hair. He leaned into me and smiled up at me while I wrapped an arm around him.

"Ellie," he said again, "that new girl is pretty. Valentine."

"Valentina?" I corrected, causing him to nod. I laughed and picked him up onto my lap.

"She is pretty," he stated. He leaned forward and looked up at me with wide eyes, "I think she likes dad."

"Well that should prove to be quite unfortunate because I am incredibly taken with Eliana."

We turned our heads to find a smiling Harry leaning against the door. I smirked and felt my face flush as Peter jumped off of my lap and raced over to him. I stood up, quietly, and fixed my skirt as I watched my fiancée play with my new son. Harry tickled Peter's stomach and laughed when Peter tried to push his hands away with his own tiny ones.

"Harryyy," he laughed, "cut it out."

Harry's eyes were filled with absolute love and affection for Peter and I tried not to tear up at the sight.

"Diamond," he called over to me, "get dressed; we're going to the lake."

Peter cheered and pecked his cheek before he ran into my bathroom. I could hear his humming as he rummaged for clothes and his swimming wear. I smiled and walked to the bathroom and assisted him before I got a towel. I wasn't going to be swimming, but I'd watch.

The girls walked in, smiling, and nodded at Harry before they made their way over to me.

"We're coming with you," Clary smiled. Stella and Gabriella nodded, while Valentina was looking over at Harry who was helping Peter get his pants on. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Clary noticed my confused look and turned to look at Valentina. She rolled her eyes and pulled me aside.

"She's been talking non-stop about him," she grumbled, "says that he deserves better than you."

My eyebrow rose, "really? She has that much confidence?"

"Seems so."

We huffed and looked back at her. Gabrielle and Stella were fussing over towels and Valentina stood off to the side, curling a piece of blonde hair around her finger while she bit her lip.

"Harry seems committed to you though," she said, "so I wouldn't worry."

I smiled weakly and nodded. She was right. I had nothing to worry about. I shook my head of any uncertainty and smiled before we walked back to Harry. He pulled away from Peter, who chose to run off with Clary, and smiled as he approached me. He cupped my face in his hands and smiled before he leaned down and kissed me.

"Forgot to do that," he mumbled to himself. I smiled and leaned up and pecked his cheek. He blushed and pulled me into him and there we stood, wrapped in each other's embrace.

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